Triumph reunites!


Feb 27, 2002
Macon, GA
Wow, first Led Zeppelin and now this! I would have thought
a Triumph reunion would have about a snowball's chance in
Atlanta but you know how our weather is now :)



The classic Triumph line-up (Rik Emmett/Mike Levine/Gil Moore) could
not have selected a better way to reunite after a two-decade absence -
with what will undoubtedly be a show-stopping appearance at the 2008
Sweden Rock Festival. Held over a four-day span (June 4-7), the
Sweden Rock Festival has been an annual event since 1992, and over the
past few years, has been held in Norje, outside of Sölvesborg.
This year's festival is featuring one of its strongest line-ups ever -
in addition to Triumph's highly anticipated appearance, such renowned
groups as Judas Priest, Def Leppard, Blue Öyster Cult, and Whitesnake
(among others) have also been confirmed.
"We have had Triumph in mind for many years and hoped that they would
play together again one day . When we saw Triumph was inducted into
the Canadian Music Industry Hall Of Fame, then read some statements
from the members that "maybe one day we will do something together
again," we jumped in with an immediate offer - and it looks like we're
helping write some new history! A fantastic band with so many classic
albums is just what Sweden Rock Festival
is all about. I am very proud to be able to present this band at this
years Sweden Rock Festival. I'm just one of many fans that are looking
forward to this fantastic show." - Ingolf Persson, Sweden Rock
As one of the godfathers of prog metal and leading lights of arena
rock, Triumph formed in 1975, and built a large and loyal fanbase by
the late '70s on the strength of their non-stop touring schedule
throughout Canada and the USA and the success of their classic albums,
'Rock & Roll Machine' and 'Just A Game.' But it was in the 1980's
when Triumph truly became a force to be reckoned with, as a string of
gold/platinum-certified albums ('Progressions of Power,' 'Allied
Forces,' 'Never Surrender,' and 'Thunder Seven') and classic hits
("Fight the Good Fight," "Magic Power", "Lay It On The Line")
solidified the group as one of rock's top concert attractions.
With their music continuing to live on during their absence, fans will
now finally get the opportunity to catch this live legend on stage
once more.

For more information, visit:
I also saw that. Triumph was one of my favorite bands in the late 80s. I never had a chance to see them; hopefully the Mike and Gil can stay reconciled with Rik and do some shows in North America.
About time Rik got his head out of his ass. Saw them twice back in the helluva show they do.

Well, Rik had a problem with the other two members regarding $$$ issues. Second, Rik is a major player in the Canadian scene WITHOUT Triumph. So, I guess there was a point where all three felt they can make some serious $$$$ with a reunion gig.
Hoping for a stateside tour. Only saw them once on the Allied Forces tour.
Cool show, but I got pummeled by bouncer.....(No, I didn't deserve it, nor was I doing anything wrong, mostly)
Man, I'd love to see them again!

I camped outside a Turtles Records store, with temperatures in the teens, to get Triumph tickets once. I had a cold for a week afterward but by god, we got second-row center at the old Omni! :headbang:
TRIUMPH To Gear Up For "Major World Tour" Beginning In The Summer Of 2009
Posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 12:56:47 EST

In a new article from's Greg Quill, TRIUMPH's Rik Emmett states that the band's plans are "to perform once in Sweden, and maybe a couple of times in July at venues yet to be determined, then to spend a year gearing up for a major world tour beginning in the summer of 2009."

The following is an excerpt from the article: The Triumph shadow has hung for more than 20 years over Toronto guitarist Rik Emmett, but nothing – not the promise of money, nor the efforts of friends and advisers to engineer a reconciliation with his estranged bandmates, drummer Gil Moore and bassist Mike Levine – could have lured him back into the arena-rock vortex.

Until, that is, the recent cancer-related death of his younger brother, a longtime fan of the Toronto trio that broke out of the club scene in the mid-1970s and rose to international stardom through the 1980s before calling it quits.

Emmett, Moore and Levine have spent the subsequent two decades bickering and sniping at each other in public and lawyer's offices.

"Yeah, well ... life's too short, and I did make this promise to my brother before he died," Emmett said Friday from his Toronto home after the announcement that Triumph is one of the featured headliners in June at the four-day Sweden Rock Festival.

Read the full story at

FUCKINAY, YES!!! Damn, I can't wait for this!
TRIUMPH To Gear Up For "Major World Tour" Beginning In The Summer Of 2009
Posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 12:56:47 EST

In a new article from's Greg Quill, TRIUMPH's Rik Emmett states that the band's plans are "to perform once in Sweden, and maybe a couple of times in July at venues yet to be determined, then to spend a year gearing up for a major world tour beginning in the summer of 2009."

The following is an excerpt from the article: The Triumph shadow has hung for more than 20 years over Toronto guitarist Rik Emmett, but nothing – not the promise of money, nor the efforts of friends and advisers to engineer a reconciliation with his estranged bandmates, drummer Gil Moore and bassist Mike Levine – could have lured him back into the arena-rock vortex.

Until, that is, the recent cancer-related death of his younger brother, a longtime fan of the Toronto trio that broke out of the club scene in the mid-1970s and rose to international stardom through the 1980s before calling it quits.

Emmett, Moore and Levine have spent the subsequent two decades bickering and sniping at each other in public and lawyer's offices.

"Yeah, well ... life's too short, and I did make this promise to my brother before he died," Emmett said Friday from his Toronto home after the announcement that Triumph is one of the featured headliners in June at the four-day Sweden Rock Festival.

Read the full story at

FUCKINAY, YES!!! Damn, I can't wait for this!

Awesome! I saw them on the Allied Forces, Never Surrender and Thunder Seven tours, all fantastic shows. But damn, a year and half before they come to the states, that's a long ways away...
Awesome! I saw them on the Allied Forces, Never Surrender and Thunder Seven tours, all fantastic shows. But damn, a year and half before they come to the states, that's a long ways away...
I read the rest of the article and Rik said Gil Moore and Mike Levine don't even play anymore. So, I'm guessing the long wait is for Gil and Mike to get their chops back. Also, Rik is the youngest and he's 54. Takes a bit of time for the old geezers to warm up the engines.
I feel so deprived, I've never heard of these guys. :erk:

save me?

Since you asked...they're a canadian progressive hard rock power trio, big in the 70's and 80's. Not quite as progressive as Rush, perhaps a little closer to Who in their blues rock/power chord approach, with tid bits of say ELP and Led Zepplin for good measure. If you like progressive hard rock from this era, Triumph is an absolute must. Rick Emmitt, the guitar player and the main front man, was not only one of the most diverse and respected in guitarists in rock at the time, but easily has one of the best and most distinctive voices in rock.

Here are there classic discs:

Rock & Roll Machine (1977)
Just A Game (1979)
Progressions of Power (1980)
Allied Forces (1981)
Never Surrender (1983)
Thunder Seven (1984)
