TROT OUT THE DEAD = best song I've heard in the last 12 months EASY

Jesus fucking christ this album needs to come out soon.

This is only like the 4th time I've listened to Trot Out the Dead because it's TOO PAINFUL TO NOT HAVE A WHOLE NEW ALBUM yet.
It's been leaked, but only to close friends.....I've already asked JimLotFP but he hasn't got it, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS THANKED IN THE LINER NOTES IN THE AUGUST ENGINE WTF!!! Come on Jim, are you holding out on us? :tickled:

By the way, if anyone's interested, on their myspace site is a link to John Cobbet's own myspace webpage and it's got a bunch of homemade experimental ELECTRONICA shitz!!! Go listen out of morbid curiosity!

If I remember right, he's got a new version of "Rainfall" too with some added bits & pieces.

According to Cruz del Sur -- LOCUST YEARS is due April. That's like 20 years from now. :loco:
interesting track

singer reminds me of m.walkyier and nemtheagness
but I think its that 'fill yer boots' approach


yeah, the girls make this band ... the blondie ... what's her name JK, I always get it wrong .... she look like she like tha money in that photo ... HHHOT!
Seriously, Jamie is so fucking hot.

You can have Ingmar Bergman lurch, she's hot too but just doesn't compare. :loco:
For fuck's sake -- from their myspace:

Our 3rd LP ("The Locust Years") has been done for quite some time now. Why isn't it out yet? Good question. We hear it'll be out by June.

Ron Nichols (ex Grinch, Christ On Parade) is officially our bass player and has been for a while now. Jamie is now living in Texas with her new baby boy Errol and fiancee Brian! We doubt that the world has heard the last of Ms Myers, however...

Chewy is playing with the excellent King City (not to be missed if you live around here), and some other projects as well. John Cobbett is currently mixing Ludicra's 3rd LP, which will be out on Alternative Tentacles sometime this summer. Mike Scalzi's Slough Feg will be touring the US this summer. Sigrid Sheie is about to start her graduate program in classical piano.

Hammers almost has a new drummer. Just a few more tryouts should do it. By late summer we should have a new album out, a new website, a new line-up and some shows booked.

OK so bad news...Jamie's out.

Good news....they're going to book shows. As soon as they're booked, and knowing that Cobbet isn't going to tour outside of CA, I'm booking my flights. Look out!