True Colors!

:rock:Class, for some strange reason that is the first time i have seen that vid,Bill put that and wigga & some homevid shit u must av on a dvd and u'd sell as many as .........well kiss at least...I'D BUY IT..
Psycho there is some good shit on that site TA :grin: .

About 1 or 2 months ago, I uploaded this same video for you all at yousendit, but in a much better quality. Should I upload this video (40 Mb) to my website again, maybe next month? I have more M.O.D. videoclips: True Colors, Intruder, Devolution and Wigga. All mpeg-files.
Fucking hell, I remember that from all those years ago, excellent! Look at all the hair!!!! I used to have hair like that. Erm, I used to have hair, full stop!
And, am I seeing things, or do I recognise Phil Demmel (from back when he was cool, in Vio-lence) and Zetro Souza in the crowd jumping around? There's probably others, but like the man says, the quality isn't that brilliant here, and I hadn't paid that much attention years ago. Fucking hell, I think that came out before we could get MTV or ANY metal videos on the telly here in the UK. We had to buy poo like "Hard and Heavy" to see the bands we loved. Ah, them wuz the days!
SODMOD said:
About 1 or 2 months ago, I uploaded this same video for you all at yousendit, but in a much better quality. Should I upload this video (40 Mb) to my website again, maybe next month? I have more M.O.D. videoclips: True Colors, Intruder, Devolution and Wigga. All mpeg-files.

Yeah yeah...I know I'd really like to see 'em!:Spin:
Originally Posted by SODMOD
About 1 or 2 months ago, I uploaded this same video for you all at yousendit, but in a much better quality. Should I upload this video (40 Mb) to my website again, maybe next month? I have more M.O.D. videoclips: True Colors, Intruder, Devolution and Wigga. All mpeg-files.

SODMOD said:
About 1 or 2 months ago, I uploaded this same video for you all at yousendit, but in a much better quality. Should I upload this video (40 Mb) to my website again, maybe next month? I have more M.O.D. videoclips: True Colors, Intruder, Devolution and Wigga. All mpeg-files.

SODMOD dude for some reason I always miss the good shit on your top class site !!! Gonna make sure i miss diddley from now!! :worship: .
o/t Ta for the soulfly advice,gonna get dark ages at weekend is billy on one of the tracks??

PEACE,JUDAS WAS A MUSLIM,LARGE JD COKE ICE & A SLICE (on a fukin work night tooo)