Truely Heavy Devastating DM Please


Sep 3, 2005
I want something BRUTAL, something HYPE. And I don't mean "brutal death metal"; I mean something similar to Behemoth - Demigod, Decapitated - Organic Hallusinosis, Job For a Cowboy - Genesis...

In other words, something that is actually brutal. I want something devastating!

Thanks :headbang: :p
I don't really know what you mean. But, since you mentioned two Polish bands, you might want to check out other bands with the "Polish sound," such as Vader (whom I'm sure you've heard), Dies Irae, Trauma, Hate, Lost Soul, etc. You might also like Drawn and Quartered, Infester, Purgatory (Ger), Anasarca, Asphyx (not fast, but heavy as fuck), Belphegor (just because they sound like Beheomoth), Vomitory, Incantation, Reincarnation, etc.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'll explain what I mean...

I'm talking about dm that is heavy and crushing and makes you want to bang your head. I find most dm isn't like that.

Just as an example, you mentioned Drawn and Quartered. Now that's exactly the opposite type of dm to what I'm looking for. Although their music is not bad and has some interesting passages, compared to the bands I mentioned, their music makes me want to sleep. It's not hype. Something that makes you want to bang your head. And most importantly it doesn't sound brutal.

Just for comparison, Decapitated's first album is not very brutal/crushing/devastating in my opinion. Their last album is, though.

For example, I don't find a lot of "brutal death metal" that brutal, and certainly not as brutal and heavy as those I mentioned.

I think out of your recommendations, the best ones were Belphegor (even though the vocals weren't what I had in mind; as cool as they are, they're not very brutal and unrelenting.)

Infester for example I didn't find to be very brutal. It was just thik and noisy.

What I mean is something that is generally a little bit slower paced, but has fast bits, and lots of variation in every aspect. Also straight up blasting is something that totally dampens brutality. A lot of these bands tremolo pick a note or chord or whatever for like 2 counts, then switch to another note for two counts and they do that for a while, while the drummer straight up blasts. Then there is a fill period, and back to the same thing. I find that totally unbrutal. I find it very boring actually. That's what most dm is like... Once in a while there is a band that does it differently. Another example of album that I find brutal is Bloodbath last release...

Do you know what I mean?
Amorphis - Privilege of Evil
Autopsy - Mental Funeral
Gorguts - Obscura (Clouded is perhaps THE heaviest song ever)
Panzerchrist!!! :worship:

Check out their "Room Service" and "Battalion Beast" albums. Room Service is my favourite, and its in-your-face kind of death metal, fast, heavy and with some groove. If you can check out songs like Creature, and definitely Suicide, that is a wicked song. If you can't find them I could probably upload a couple songs.
Thanks for all the recommendations guys and gurlies.
Neither are what he is looking for obviously, seeing as how Meshuggah isn't death metal and that he doesn't find BDM "brutal."

Actually, Meshuggah is what I'm looking for minus the dm elements.
No need for technical stuff at all. Bloodbath is not very technical, and neither is Job For A Cowboy or even Behemoth...