try and wrap your mind around this one

well the condescending attitude that "women can't help it, they're women" is why we have yet to have a female president. of course women can help it just as easily as men.
xfer said:
look, basically, a lot of girls do this. they try to be cool with stuff they intellectually know they should be cool with, and at some point they just can't do it anymore and let their emotions take hold.

yes, it's incredibly retarded. and it's horrible in terms of self-image, because you have figured out what the way you SHOULD behave is, yet you don't behave that way. i blame shit like COSMOPOLITAN for making women think it's OK to cave and stop trying. way to destroy someone's sense of an indepedent self.

i agree with this. so many of my friends are like COOL STRIPPERS LIKE OKAY. not me. i dont like, hate strippers but i wouldnt go to a strip bar except to rescue a friend that worked there. i have high self esteem, maybe this is why? i like myself. i think i am pretty okay looking. i feel bad for strippers. they depress me. i dont care if they are 'empowering' themselves or not. it's like, put some clothes on for chrissakes already.
i dont like get bent about it. i mean, whatever. but i am certainly not going to go to a bar.
male strippers, may i add, are the grossest fucking thing ever.
oh i know you weren't generalizing. i was just being facetious. i know a lot of girls go psycho. it sucks. they're feeling bad about themselves. this world sort of chips away at girls when they're not paying attention and they're too young to figure it out.

also, guys can be a real fucking clothesbasket of handpuppets (ie, LUNATICS) too.
yeah preppy, i also should've said that people need to properly choose what they think is cool and what they're going to actually make themselves like.

my friend aulbach met this girl (on makeoutclub, haha) who LOVES WHEN GUYS COME ON HER FACE, she says she JUST LOVES IT. ok, maybe, but i bet that 19 out of 20 girls who JUST LOVE WHEN GUYS COME ON THEIR FACE are kind of making themselves like it.
yea i mean, i can't really speak for other girls. but i KNOW a lot of girls and like a lot of them, and worry about a lot of them.
i'd say like more than 80% of the girls i know that act all 'hey that's okay' and try to go along with things they're not comfortable with are doing just that. perpetuating their need to please everyone. it's hard to be yourself i guess? i can't blame them because i really dont know why they make those decisions.
all i know is, if my b.f. went to a strip club i'd sick my dad on him.
i'm totally down with learning to like something you didn't before in order to be harmonious with a girlfriend or non-regular friend or whatever. but don't pick something retarded, and once you start pretending it's cool, you better understand that you're committed to it now.
you know... i have this friend, or did i should say. she decided to become a stripper. that was like a year ago. she's a totally different person now. outside of work she literally dresses all slutty now. she keeps fucking random guys and she used to not to. it bums me the fuck out. i know this doesn't happen to all stripper but like sayin'. blah.
my ex-roommate just stripped for the first time last week. she thinks none of us know about it. but we are totally going to see her after a few months when she doesn't care anymore.
but nature and self are both created. you've said before that no one creates their own style but are actually just modifying and influenced by--even negatively--existing's like that with personalities. there is kind of no such thing as your own personality. which is great, because you have so much control over the person you ultimately are.

and no, i'm not a follower/dishrag sort (i hope).
WHOA dude you are talking two totally different things. personality? please define what you mean by that.

because i just think you must mean something totally different than what i do.
okay i just reread what you wrote. STYLE vs. personality.

no way dude what a huge jump? what about sociopaths? do they pick to chop off heads? can they stop that impulse? when they want to? where does that come from? a style? there are so many reasons i cannot agree with that at all.