Trying (at least) to give something back..


New Metal Member
Jun 18, 2011
So hey, Ive been a bit of a shadow on this forum for a while and have gotten lots of great information (Thanks again to everyone) Im learning production purely for my own benifit and enjoyment and dont want to ruffle any feathers :)

I know this is definatly not the right place to put this and i apologise, But seeing as i have gotten the best reading for this end of the forum, I took a chance and posted here..

Anyway... To business, I notice lots of mixes But no vocals, Maybe i can offer my services? Ill do anything you throw at me within reason haha I have a pretty good range, I can just send the wavs back to whoever wants me, I could process them.. But im a noob (god i hate that term, I had it training to be a tattooist for years haha) Anyway, Hope i can be of some help to people :)
Hey Ensi, short reply because im on my phone, but what sort of style would you like throwing doing? And ill get back to you hopefully thurs or friday with something :)
Awesome offer dude!I'm working on a few songs and soon I'll need singer(something like BFMV) so if this fits your singing style and you're interested we can record few songs.Send me your facebook user if you have one so we can talk more.Cheers!Here's one of my tracks:

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Hey Ensi, short reply because im on my phone, but what sort of style would you like throwing doing? And ill get back to you hopefully thurs or friday with something :)

I don't know, just thought you wanted something to practise on, do whatever you like :)
Ok i did a bit of something for Ensi, i apologise for crap mixing, turns out i cant mix vocals for shit. I did the vocals with a 58 (its all that was lieing around) on my living room floor and unfortunatly full of a cold (oldest excuse in the singers bag of tricks but very true
this time) so apologies for it if it sucks. That aside i think theres some cool ideas and your track is brilliant ensi! i did a verse and the melodic part, verse sounds a little byzantine? not really my style but i think it works well with the track... Anyway ill upload shortly for you all to cringe at but i did say weds or thurs and i didnt want to go back on that :)
Ok, Here it is...

Just listened to back, Besides to bad mixing on my part and some bad notes i think it has some potential? I dont know if thats your style ensi

As far as everyone else, Please dont use this recording as gospal for what i can do ha, Im ashamed of my efforts to be fair, But i would be more than happy to do all that has been offered, Maybe a few samples like i did for ensi and then if you like i could do the whole thing?

I really struggled trying to mix vocals to fit a fully rendered track? Was this always going to be hard?:erk:
If you like the 'feel' Ensi, Ill totally spend a good while on the tracks and re do them all and you can mix them ? Otherwise i could totaly change the style... like completely :)
I like the most br00tz vocillz evar! Like double tracked epic br00tz, this is ok too though.

Don't really know what to say, I mean if you have nothing else to do it could be sweet to get some vocal mixing practise :)
Glad you like it, Well parts :) i would be quite happy to redo the whole thing for the whole song and send you them stems if you like? (when this f**king cold has gone anyway)

Awesome offer dude!I'm working on a few songs and soon I'll need singer(something like BFMV) so if this fits your singing style and you're interested we can record few songs.Send me your facebook user if you have one so we can talk more.Cheers!Here's one of my tracks:

Hey man, I would be more than happy to do some stuff in the vain of BFMV for you, If you could just change your sound cloud so i could download i could get some bits together for you :D

Do you want to add something to this song? Not really sure what to do next to this song vocalwise: I feel there is something missing in the parts towards the end...

I could definatly do something on this for you, Could you give me any more details on what style you hand in mind? Again though, Couldnt download from sound cloud:loco:

Again, Happy to help if i can, More details and download link to one of your tracks would be great :)
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Hey man, I would be more than happy to do some stuff in the vain of BFMV for you, If you could just change your sound cloud so i could download i could get some bits together for you :D

No prob. dude!About the vocals.On the clean guitar part of the song I like clean vocals,on the pre-chorus(after the clean guitars where the distortion guitars kicks in) I like scream vocals and then on the chorus combination of scream and clean vocals.We need more users like you.Cheers! :)