Total Newbie trying to mix

Don Tonberry

New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2009
I'm just a noob trying to mix stuff, I don't know if it's any good at all. There's probably lots of things I'm doing wrong.

I can't write songs at all so I just used the DI's I found on this forum. Everything used in the clip is freeware, so it's gonna sound somewhat unrealistic.
Guitars sound alright but I think you could add more mids to them and it would sound better if they were more "upfront" - they sound sort of distant. Bass (guitar) would also really help in the mix.

Hope this helps.
Guitars sound alright but I think you could add more mids to them and it would sound better if they were more "upfront" - they sound sort of distant. Bass (guitar) would also really help in the mix.

Hope this helps.

I don't have a bass so that's why there's none there at the moment. I'll try to reEQ the guitar tracks, I think that's why they sound less focused.

Thanks for the help
Sounds better, did you use a virtual instrument bass? Now the guitars seem a bit muffled though. It sounds like they don't have very much attack; perhaps less bass frequencies on the guitars and a tiny bit more highs will help. But I'm by no means professional at this stuff so don't take my word for it.:lol:

EDIT: I can't hear any comparison to the first clip because you have replaced it. Just a heads up that it's a good idea to leave the first clip there so people can see the progression of the mix and perhaps learn from it or help you further.
Sounds really good now! And yeah the bass needs turning down a fair bit. Just make sure that the bass is not overpowering the guitars but you can still hear the different (more power) between bass on and off. Guitar tone sounds pretty good!