trying out some new things. electronic rock.

I like it. Did you use number 1 hits for all the electronic drums? Have you used electronic for ezdrummer? I have that one and have been wanting to get number 1 hits. What do you think of it? Also, what did you use for the guitars?
ya man ive been a HUGE toontrack fan for along time. i actually have all the EZ Drummer expansions but 1 which i plan on getting soon.

electronic is great. i feel like its meant more for electronic music though. it seems harder to make it sit in a metal mix, or even a rock mix sometimes. number 1 hits is really smooth. i think they sit perfect as is. i didnt do anything to them in this mix... other than a filter. so ya personally i like hits better.

for the guitars i used pod farm. and the guitar used was just an epi les paul with stock pickups.