Trying out Zombass 4


Teh Groove Metuhl
May 10, 2010
Calgary, AB
Just playing around with Zombass 4 on my new speakers with some deathcore or whatever the fuck.
It's pretty awesome, extremely versatile, seems to sit nice with most kick drums.

Blind Eyes - The Number Three (HQ)

Shit's fun! If you need a good bass instrument..
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I purchase Zombass 4 as soon, as it appears, but was totally disappointed. Sounds fat, but with stupid maschine gun effect, unlike ZB 2 and ZB 3. It seems like there is no round robin effect at all, or may be something wrong with current patch.

Сonsidering that ZB 4 is the most expensive one ($30 vs usuall $20) i feel myself a bit cheated.
Details about bass mix?

There's some EQ, and some compression, and some limiting.
And a dirt box for the grind.

I purchase Zombass 4 as soon, as it appears, but was totally disappointed. Sounds fat, but with stupid maschine gun effect, unlike ZB 2 and ZB 3. It seems like there is no round robin effect at all, or may be something wrong with current patch.

Сonsidering that ZB 4 is the most expensive one ($30 vs usuall $20) i feel myself a bit cheated.

Have you been playing around with the velocities? It's a bit more realistic to the changes in timing and velocity. If you just drone on at 127 perfectly on time, it's not going to sound too real.
But since so many people complained about the tuning issues, (almost like a REAL bass..) Alex kind of had to tune and level harder.
I wouldn't feel too bad though. Even if you bought Zombass 2 (which was originally $40, actually.), ZB3 and ZB4, you're still $200 cheaper then Trilian, and $50 lighter then Orange Tree, with well over $5000 in basses covered.
What I've been doing (in Reaper), is writing out the bass, then hitting 'H' for humanizing a couple times and adjusting the timing and velocity from there. Sounds just as realistic as a good edited bass player to me.
Even if you bought Zombass 2 (which was originally $40, actually.), ZB3 and ZB4, you're still $200 cheaper then Trilian, and $50 lighter then Orange Tree, with well over $5000 in basses covered.
What I've been doing (in Reaper), is writing out the bass, then hitting 'H' for humanizing a couple times and adjusting the timing and velocity from there. Sounds just as realistic as a good edited bass player to me.

This is why I don't feel too bad about having bought 3 versions of ZB already. I also use that exact same method to humanize my bass parts, it's super easy and works out really well.