trying to cope with the rigid turbulence that governs everyday life, the effects of

the zephyr in the midwest that turns the windmill that creates energy so your five-year old daughter can use her electric toothbrush and you can sit down on the couch and have a choice of 500 different channels to choose from (100 are music, with choices ranging from reggae, southern gospel, ethiopian chants, heavy metal bluegrass, and power pop polka) and your wife can make coffee in the morning and pretend that life was meant to be normal, newspapers, eggs with bacon, a little sugar in the coffee but not much, too much can cause diabetes, and shots are not fun, no sir, especially when they involve needles, don't like that, and politics, and george bush, and iraq, and so-damn whatshisname, gas prices in westchester, the time in greenwich, the weather, cloudy days are gloomy, they make me feel depressed and sometimes i want to break free from all this, to go somewhere, norway maybe, or asia, or maybe to the local barnes and noble where i can pretend that i can escape from modern life, but all i know is that i want some zingers from the 7-11 across the street, even though they are filled with sugar and sugar causes your insulin levels to rise, and all i want to do is to have someone to love and cherish, someone who can complete me in a way that i can't complete myself because my life is pointless, i just want to get away, life wasn't meant to be like this, why why why did i ever want to be an accountant, really though, i should have been a writer, or maybe a phone operator, or a heart surgeon, because they don't have to add and subtract numbers for a compnay, i never liked math, especially calculus, i hated that class, bored the hell outta me, i never like public school, it made me conform, although i can't say that it is nbot fun to conform, to go with the flow, to write nice, short sentencers with no grammatical errors, kinda like ernest hemingway, even though he killed himself, i think it would be neat to kill myself, it would be funner than looking for shoes with my wife and daughter, maybe i could jump in front of a tractor, or a zamboni, you know, those things they ride around on at ice-skating rinks and hockey games, i always wanted to drive one of tose, or meet the guy that drives them, i bet he has a nice life, i bet there are no numbers for him, no math involved, i hate math, i find it pointless, although it would make sense for me to be a mathmatician since my life itself is also pointless, so why take english? it's just a bunch of made up stories anyhow, never lose your grasp on life, never brteak free, learn to accept your controllers, know that you fit the mold, never go aganst the current, be who they want you to be, be what they expect, always do math, don't live in fantasy worlds, stick to what is real, there is no god, there is no slavation, there was no samson with hippie-locks shorn with the onset of disco, never was an exodus, shakespeare was made up, charles darwin was a banker, and pythagorus was an accountant like me never lose your hold on reality never lose your grasp of what is real never break free be happy with your life be happy with your life be happy be happy be happy be
and you can not much, too much bored the hell outta me, i should have been a writer, expect, always do math, don't live in fantasy worlds, stick to what is real, there is no god, there is no slavation, there was no samson with hippie pretend that i can grammatical errors, kinda like charles darwin was a banker, and pythagorus was an accountant the 7-11 across the street, even though they are filled with sugar and sugar causes your insulin levels to rise, and all i want to do is to have someone i never like public school, it made me conform, although i can't say that it is nbot fun to conform, to go with the flow, at ice-skating rinks and hockey games learn to accept your controllers i think it would be neat to kill myself
