
we are being presented the contract on may 21st, and sadly, i am gonna bitch out and go with my woman, i think. i like to believe that i am in love, and to me, a naive wannabe poet, that is awesome. i can still enjoy guitar and creating music, but i am not sure that being a rockstar is one of my ambitions anymore. but who know's maybe at the last moment i will flip it around and say fuck it,

if you cant tell, i am still kinda confused. haha
Not to mention getting married at 19 is pretty much the worst idea ever (I'd even argue that marriage in itself is a dated and pointless religious institution, but hey I'm a cynical bastard).
yep. when your relationship goes sour, you're going to kick yourself in the balls over and over. you should test the relationship a little bit. sign this contract, do a tour (if it even comes to that), and see how it goes.
Well if this is a small label then you're not going to be a "rockstar" just yet. I say go for it. If you and your girlfriend care enough about each other, then a few months apart shouldn't hurt. There are ways to keep in touch and stay close emotionally (phone, internet). Just depends on how patient you are with each other. And if either of you aren't that patient, then I would highly advise rethinking this marriage deal :p
19 and talking about marriage.


If you guys were at the stage in your lives where you were ready to actually have a successful marriage, you wouldn't be asking the internet this question because it'd be irrelevant.

Sign the deal, go on tour. Expect that it will change things between you and her. It might not, but it probably will. If you're meant to be together, you will. If you're not, this will help you reach the point where you can move on with your life after her a lot faster.
Well if this is a small label then you're not going to be a "rockstar" just yet. I say go for it. If you and your girlfriend care enough about each other, then a few months apart shouldn't hurt. There are ways to keep in touch and stay close emotionally (phone, internet). Just depends on how patient you are with each other. And if either of you aren't that patient, then I would highly advise rethinking this marriage deal :p

Who are you to talk about using phone and internet to stay together with someone that's far away?
Seriously? 19? I'm 19. Cringe worthy is an epic understatement for bearing thoughts of getting hitched at our age. I think prostitution as a career choice is higher up on my to do list than marriage. I'm definitely with Max on this one, if people still need to give each other carved lumps of carbon mined by slaves in Angola and have some (Warning: stereotyping ahead) child-raping/money-laundering/jihad-preaching religious figure to tell them that they'll be bonded forever in a ceremony that is antiquated, redundant and quite frankly insulting to human intellect in this day and age... Then fuck people.

But to each his own, I guess.

Oh, if you haven't guessed it, my two cents would be on going with the band. These cats are right. If the love is mutually strong, she will stick around.
19? christ I can't even remember what the chick looked like that I was "in love with" when I was 19. :lol:
Do it, sign a one year deal (if possible) and give it a go. :kickass:
haha dude its not like you're signing with Sony or something and are gonna go tour for 2 years to support your platinum album. and yeh, if you sabotage your band because you cant stand to be away from your girl for a few weeks then they probably wont be too happy with you, hope you really love her cause you'll be giving up your dream/hobby/friends. no waay that could end up causing large amounts of regret and resentment down the line. naaahhhh.