Trying to finish an old song, please comment!


Jan 4, 2008

I'm trying to finish/rewrite an old song, with vocals in mind (I hope someone will care to try some lines on this one, even if it's not _that_ good)
Some of you might have heard parts of it before in drop A# (it's now in C)

I was thinking to put it up for public mixing if I got someone to sing on it first,
I'm still missing some parts before I'm done so and the mix is a big chaos atm..


Fuller mix:
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So dreamy the melody..i want my creativity back :(
I'm no vocalist so i can't help you out in that way. But i like this sample! Or is it the whole song? I hope not.
I would like to hear the old version in A# if it's possible :)
Did you use your amp sims? I guess not. but who knows..
If you create your own amp/sim then you really have to know how to use it ;)
This might be off topic...but..i just checked your other songs and i notice that you write really good melodies and your using of synth is great. I want to know how you write such songs with you always start with synth or guitar first? I have a problem combining them. I wanted to start using synth in my songs but if i start with guitar first then i write songs where synths are totally useless and vice versa :D
I hope someone will do vocals to this. It would be nice to hear the song when it's fully done!
When i make a sim i follow a schematic, it doesnt make me the toneking of that sim;-) Synth and guitars go hand in hand, i usually write the synth stuff first
I have to intervene! The old intro (mix2 and mix1) was way better in my ears. I really loved the synth sound. I find this one to 'washy' and not dreamy anymore! :/ If you find someone to do vocals. You could keep the lead guitar but put it more in the background. I had some good results with something like that. It keeps the atmosphere. But if you find someone who can sing like Tomi Joutsen..yeah..then throw the guitar away :D
Good mix so far...i like the rythms more than before..but..the intro ;)
Thanks ;)
I could always change the intro, hard to make intro's though .. keeping the lead guitar in the background sounds like a good idea
Regarding the synths, I had to 'tame' them because I got stuck trying to mix it .. consider this a demo because I will get vocals eventually, even if I have to do them myself, and then I can better fit the synths etc to the rest of the track :p
Would you mind to do a break where the intro with some soft vocals on it comes back at 2:31 before the 'new' guitar riff inserts? Or maybe at another point at the middle/near the end? Otherwise the intro would be so apart from the rest of the song. And it would give it more variety and the 'arc of suspense' would/could be better.
Love the song! Would love to hear it with vocals. I think overall the lowend could be a bit bigger sounding? I find lowend to always be the hard part as its hard to keep it on that fine line between sounding super full and awesome and sounding bassy as hell.
Yeah, this sounds cool! What did you use for bass?

Btw, the 808 and x50 are my goto plugins! Great work.
for bass I used directbass free (first version, kontakt library), split in two, sent the higher frequencies through X30 and mixed the high and low signals in LeCab2 through a ampeg svx impulse.. and it's then compressed and treated with eq a couple of times... :p