Alternative Orchestral metal! PodFarm!?


Jan 4, 2008
I actually used PodFarm today, haven't used it this year at all so far :lol:

I'm mixing old songs/material with new stuff, to complete my collection..
Here's a sketch of something I'm working on right now.. As always, some of you might hate it :p

Edit: Switched to X30
X30 version
Symphonic Orchestra test

I'm trying not to mix too much while I write, so it might sound like complete shit :erk:

Guitars: TSE808 + X30
Bass: TSE808 + PodFarm
Drums: SD2.0
Orchestra: Miroslav Philharmonik

Drum/Guitar/Bass-free version - If you're interested in listening to the actual work :p
Listening on shitty earbuds so I can't really comment on the mix, but I like the song so far.

Well.. one thing about the mix, the panning of the piano and violins is a bit awkward to listen to IMO. I would prefer to have the strings panned center and more integrated into the mix.
Thanks, the instruments are panned that way in Philharmonik by default, and I haven't mixed the strings yet.. only a hipass and a cut to get rid of boomyness..
The programing sound good, but I'm not digging the actual sound of the violins, try mixing them with a second instrument, like violas, and add variations on the timings and attack so they wont sound the same as the violins, that with some more reverb should mask a little the midi-ness of the instrument.

Very cool song by the way.
Yeah I should look for another library... here's a clip of just the naked strings in the "chorus" part
Left: staccato Violin
Right: staccato Viola
Center: Full strings, and staccato cello

humanizing is a bitch.. I won't touch the timing just yet because it makes it harder to make changes :p

And here is a clip with X30 for rythms and an old alpha test of a unreleased LePou amp for lead X30 version
I like it, sounds very smooth and really nice ideas in there!
But also not much a fan of the strings sound here

I also ONLY beginn humanizing when the actual notes are 100% final
Thanks Mago, I will work on these ideas I've got so far.. :)

And.. I blew some dust off my EWQL S.O. copy and reinstalled it yesterday to give it a second try ..
Here's how it sounds with Symphonic Orchestra:

I'm not sure if it's the music or the word "PodFarm" in the title that are scaring people from checking this thread out, HAHA :p

Anyway, the final version will be released in a collection among other songs
now that sounds so much better :D

You really need a singer dude, your songs are good but for some reason 98% of people stay away from instrumental music (thus limiting your chances of success). Get some hot chick and you can tour with Erick (Dandelium) :p

I coud do some growls on a AT2020/AudixI5, but I'm sure there's some one better out there to help you out.
Yeah I should look for another library... here's a clip of just the naked strings in the "chorus" part
Left: staccato Violin
Right: staccato Viola
Center: Full strings, and staccato cello

humanizing is a bitch.. I won't touch the timing just yet because it makes it harder to make changes :p

And here is a clip with X30 for rythms and an old alpha test of a unreleased LePou amp for lead X30 version

Sounds awesome! lovvve the guitars. How much post processing are you doing to them? Leads are gorgeous as well lol
Sounds awesome! lovvve the guitars. How much post processing are you doing to them? Leads are gorgeous as well lol

Thanks ;)
Not much post processing, my chain is rather simple:
TSE808 -> Ampsim -> LeCab -> EQ (hp@80hz/lp@12kHz) -> ReaXcomp (adjusted in the neighborhood of Sneap's C4 settings)