Trying to make Death Magnetic sound good (or how it should sound)


Oct 6, 2008
Hi guys!! I've been listening to Death Magnetic these days and thought it's a shame how it sounds,cause we're talking about a huge band's disc and not a local band's demo.. So I thought I give it a try and record a test clip with a supposed better sound.
Here's the clip - Death Magnetic Test.mp3

I need your comments, good or bad, your opinions and your suggestions!

Update 1: - Death Magnetic Test 2.mp3
Not a fan of the snare, a bit thin to my ears, and the guitars are a bit muffled and have some weird low end content going on, but this is already a huge improvement haha.
First of all you need to put new strings on the guitar :P The guitar tone needs some more high mid and treble (on the TSE X30) ;)
Have you listened to the Guitar Hero 3 master? Not so overcompressed. Much better than the original album master.
Thanks for listening guys!
Here's an updated clip: - Death Magnetic Test 2.mp3

I tried to fix the low end and the snare and put some more high mid and treble on the guitar tone. You're right about the strings Zappa,they're a bit old and new ones will make big improvement to the sound. I'll put some new string on Monday and maybe rerecord it with 6505

Check the new clip and post your thoughts!
Thanks for listening guys!
Here's an updated clip: - Death Magnetic Test 2.mp3

I tried to fix the low end and the snare and put some more high mid and treble on the guitar tone. You're right about the strings Zappa,they're a bit old and new ones will make big improvement to the sound. I'll put some new string on Monday and maybe rerecord it with 6505

Check the new clip and post your thoughts!

The first one had better guitars, don't know man, maybe the impulse you are using is bad. It sounds like it is recorded in a tin can or something :P