TS808/Lecto + Real Drums, no slate


Jul 6, 2007
Sundsvall, Sweden
So I just found an old thread with multitracks for mixing and I though I'd try out the TS808 and the Lecto on it. Also wanted to try my new Adam A5X monitors.

Drums have some samples on them. (Kick and snare)

Any feedback would be great.


New mix on another song from the older thread.

I really like the mix and the way the bass interacts with the bass drum (especially in the clean parts). Good job, I really dig your mix man!! Maybe you could tell a little bit more about the drums and how they were recorded?
Thanks man!
I have no idea how this was recorded, you'll have to ask the person who posted the files. (Link to thread in first post) Download the tracks and listen to 'em!
The kick is completely replaced with my own sample and the snare have a sample blended in.
Some EQ and compression on all drumtracks and also some compression and small eq on the drumbuss. I also have reverb on the drumbuss and on the snare and toms.

Also, check out the other clip I've posted in the first post. A little better I think.