TS9 mod board problem


Noisey B*****d
Dec 5, 2005
Hey mods Ive just copied this over from the Tubescreamer FAQ as there's no traffic over there!

Dropped a bollock today when I started the 808 mod on my ts9. :cry:

I was following the instructions of the mod and it says to take out the screw holding the circuit board and gently pull it down. The circuit board wouldnt budge at all! No matter how I tried the board just wouldnt move. Its stuck from underneath somehow. Anyway, Ive very slightly cracked the edge of the board which has resulted in the pedal now being fucked! I must have broken the trace on the edge!

Thing is I reckon the board will completley snap if I try any harder to pull it down and there's definatley something holding it underneath at the top edge!

As its fucked already maybe I should just try and yank the fucker out??? Nothing to lose I guess!

Any ideas as to how the board is stuck like this? Cheers

No big deal. Half my pedals have broken boards. Just tap a wire over the posts. Easy. I have modded my 808 in so many ways, half the pads came off too.
Use a piece of a resistor's leg...I modded a TS808 a while ago and like a dozen traces broke. Those boards are super shitty quality.
Hey thanks for the help guys :kickass:

Im feeling better already! Im confident after the advice that I can salvage it.... Just gotta get the board to move without totally wrecking it! I'll keep ya posted.


Finally managed to pull the board down... it was the power adaptor input that was stopping the board from moving as looked like it had been glued in! Once I'd got access to the components I could see the crack in the trace, so I tapped a wire (as advised by ttrentt) across the posts and hey presto its working again. :)

Ive replaced the 470 ohm resistor with a 100k and the 100k resistor with a 10k, as reccomended in the mod. Sounds fine, very subtle but ok!

Ive now got the choice between replacing the chip with either the JRC 4558D or the RC 4558P. Any suggestions??

This is the Banshee Mod by the way and I'd be interested to hear from anyone whos tried it and any recomendations anybody has would be apreciated.

Thanks again for the advice and help guys :kickass:

I heard zero difference between the JRC and RC in the 4558's. The OPA2134 and LM4562 sounded best to my ears as a boost pedal. If your looking for drive though you may want to try the TLE2072.

Cheers bro thats interesting! Im using it purely for tone shaping with my 6505 and Flying V. I'll give both chips a try and see how it goes. :)
