tshirt hell newsletter


May 2, 2005
The N word

-----Original Message-----

From: Jason

Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006

Subject: its kind of funny

but I expect a company Ive done buisness with and admired to not go along with the crusifixtion of michael richards....it was rage not racism....my pals is the only word unacceptable in the english language if it was a asian and he said chink it wouldnt of even made the news......my 2 cents

jay b.

Editor's Note: Two cents isn't a whole lot, which is why I'm always surprised to find that everyone's "two cents" is often worth even less than that. He is, of course, referring to the KKKramer shirt we carried while Michael Richards was still in the news.

I'm sure you've noticed that most of the complaints we get are from douchebags that think they hold the patent on morality, but occasionally we get something like this from an asshole that goes the other way with his complaint. The thing that both of these groups seem to forget is that we make jokes. Not everything is a fucking social statement. Why can't something just be funny? We weren't making some bold announcement in an attempt to condemn racism. It was a goddamn shirt where Kramer has a Klan hood on. The fact that someone can see anything more than just a silly joke in that shows just how silly that individual is.

And in case you don't know, I happen to be a my pals (if those taunts I hear at the DMV are accurate), and if there's one thing I find just as sad as people fighting to ban that word, it's people like you fighting to try and make it as common as the word applesauce. Is it pathetic that people get in an uproar over the use of something that is nothing more than a few letters? Of course. But if you can acknowledge how sad that is, can you also acknowledge how sad it is that people like you want to use that word for no other reason than the fact that some people don't want you to? That's like me eating my pubic hair just because my mom told me not to (which I stopped doing months ago).

Listen, you can say my pals in your living room all the livelong day and no one will stop you. You can also dip your cock in mustard and swing it around. But you don't do either of those in public. Not because either of those things would offend people, which they would, but because there would be no fucking reason for it. It's great that people want to defend freedom of speech, but it's kind of sad when you realize a lot of them, rather than fight for a cause, just use freedom of speech to piss people off for no reason or to paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy.

You also seem to forget that certain things being taboo is what makes them fun. Right now you can say my pals and it makes you feel like a rebel because you're not supposed to say it, but if we ever get to the point where people are throwing around words like my pals, wetback and gook like they mean hello, you'd just have time to realize how pathetic you are.

Don't get me wrong, it'd be great if those words became meaningless. But people like you fighting for them keeps them taboo just as much as people fighting against them. They get mad because you use that word, you get mad because they got mad, and the whole thing escalates. So in the future, let's do ourselves a favor and not react to the reaction. Then, and only then, will we live in a world free of racial slurs. And racism will once again be about actions rather than words. Awesome.