OT: Gas Prices

at the cheap place here, where i go its like 5-7 cents less, but most every where it is 2.21, the cheap place has it at 2.15, i go there.

btw im driving a Jeep Cherokee 4.0L gas is a bitch but my choice so i dont bitch about it like alot of other people, haha.
TD said:
We still have the cheapest gas in the world. And none of you assholes are gonna walk, because you are too lazy, and you sure as hell aren't gonna ride the bus, because poor people are on it.
I would love to take public transportation to work! However, the lovely Chicago Transit Authority beleives there is no reason to have a North/South train going through the west side of the city. So, I would have to take a train into the Loop, then take another train out to the west side. I don't think so.
I just saw a commercial the other night for a Honda Civic Hybrid.

Ty~No, the Spurs don't suck more, they just have a problem holding it together til the end. I wonder if the guys also heve a problem with premature ejaculation. :bah:
its nuts i filledmy tank, cost me 40 bucks and i had a quarter of a tank when i filled it.and it seems like when i have a full tank it goes down faster than when i have half a tank.
TD said:
We still have the cheapest gas in the world. And none of you assholes are gonna walk, because you are too lazy, and you sure as hell aren't gonna ride the bus, because poor people are on it.
do u people go by the gallon or the litre?

we pay about a dollar a litre,whats the price over there about 2 dollars a gallon,i think 1 gallon is about 4 litres here,not to sure?

50 cents a litre is cheap as chips lol.

i understand what u are trying to do maiden but if we put the oil companies out of business the middle east will be a million times worse!!!
I wasn't really trying to do anything. I was just passing on some information that I had never seen before (although several people here said it's been going around for years) and I didn't know if it would do anything. I knew that someone here, who is smarter than I am would know. I found out. :grin:
First I got the gas e-mail, then I got this an e-mail with this article.



President Bush allowed an increase in oil refinery mergers to go unchecked since he took office and may have contributed to the highest gasoline prices in 20 years as the November election approaches.

The Bush administration approved 33 takeovers totaling $19.5 billion, on top of 21 deals worth $7.3 billion under President Clinton, Bloomberg data shows. Reduced supplies were already pushing up gas prices in Clinton's term, according to a Federal Trade Commission study conducted after pump prices rose to more than $2 a gallon in Milwaukee and Chicago in 2000.

The rise in gasoline prices helped refiners generate the highest margins from refining crude oil into gasoline and other fuels in the first quarter since at least 1990.