OT: High Gas Prices

how it has kept up with inflation
did you get a 33 % cost of living raise this year to go along with the gas price hike. i didn't. everything is going up in price because companies don't wanna spend the extra money on the fuel charge to move their products, so they pass it on to the consumer. gas was about a dollar less a gallon about 14 months ago. the whole economy suffers in the long run. if you have to spend 10/15 dollars more on gas a week then you have to cut something out, a fast food lunch, maybe a movie you were thinking about seeing, maybe you'll wait to get that new anthrax cd. it's just a big snowball effect. if it didn't jump 10/15 cents overnite i think people would deal with it a little better.
This was in my local paper...It doesn't look good:ill:

Some questions and answers on the subject:

• Why are gas prices so high?

• In short, there's a tight balance of supply and demand, and jittery traders worry the market will tighten even further. The latest surge - to an average of $2.55 a gallon last week - was blamed on crude oil prices that peaked at $67.10 last Friday, and a string of refinery disruptions.

• What can the government do?

• There is little either the White House or Congress can do that will reduce gasoline and other energy prices significantly in the short run, most analysts say. President Bush has said he wishes he had a magic wand to lower prices, but he has few options that would significantly increase crude oil supplies or reduce demand.

• How high could prices go?

• Gas inventories have declined for the past five weeks, reflecting strong demand despite high prices. Wholesale gasoline prices for September delivery have been increasing and no one is ruling out $3 a gallon gas before the end of summer. Prices are likely to ease after Labor Day with a decline in demand.

• Doesn't the government have an emergency oil stockpile?

• The Strategic Petroleum Reserve contains nearly 700 million barrels of oil that could be made available at the rate of 4 million barrels a day, about a fifth of daily demand. The White House says the oil is to be used only in response to a disruption of imports.

• Are today's gas prices the highest ever?

• Not when taking into account inflation. In March 1981 regular grade gasoline cost $1.48 a gallon, which after adjusting for inflation, would be equal to $3.11 today.
dutchy said:
stop crying!!! try our prices they are the highest!!!!!!!!

Whats your minimum wage over there? In Michigan, the minimum wage is $5.15 before taxes, which roughly averages to about $4.02 after taxes and gas costs about 3 dollars a gallon:Smug: . Would you like to work for about a dollar an hour? Didn't think so. Michigan has the second highest unemployment rate in the United State at 6.9% right behind Mississippi. There many people who depend on minimum wage jobs because the high paying jobs are just not here. I got lucky and got a good government job before our economy went in the tubes, but there are plenty of people who are not lucky and somehow have to take care of their family on basically nothing. How are people here going to feed their families, pay their bills, make house payments or pay rent, ect. ect. when they can barely afford to get to work???? It is going to make more people in my state go on welfare, people won't travel here(less tourism dollars) people won't go out and spend money to keep local communities flourishing, which in turn makes our economy even worse than it already is.
I drive 200 miles per week going to work then back home. The prices are definately affecting me. It's boring staying home all the time and not going out because of the high gas prices. But whatcha gonna do ya know? I think this will affect consumer spending. Instead of buying products and services, we'll be using that money for gas.

I know my opinion is probably not a popular one, but SUVs and H2s don't make the situation any better. Sure, maybe the owners can afford to pay for the gas since they can afford to own the H2 in the first place. But when the price of gas is so high (which I do partly blame on these vehicles) and I cannot afford gas for my Lumina, then I do have a problem with it. How many people really need an H2 when they live in the city?

Plus, not only will the economy be affected because people won't be able to afford other luxuries because they pay so much for gas, but the price of everything goes up. Almost everything you purchase is shipped into your hometown, I'm sure. The companies aren't going to pay for the increase in gas prices to deliver their products to the consumers. The money they spend on gas will be paid by the consumers, even if they tack on only pennies at a time to the price of their products. Those pennies will add up.
my moneys tight as it is. unfortunatly i own an old beater car that gets terrible gas milage. public transportation does not go anywhere near my work and the people in my group at work live the opposite way. i'm looking into a closer apartment but when you get closer to my work the rents go up. so , i'm fucked lol
Sounds like your damned if you do and damned if you don't. I live in a different county than where I work so public transportation won't work for me. The buses don't run out of county.

MyHatred said:
Whats your minimum wage over there? In Michigan, the minimum wage is $5.15 before taxes, which roughly averages to about $4.02 after taxes and gas costs about 3 dollars a gallon:Smug:

Here in Denmark, the minimum wage is about 14$ = 7-8$ after taxes.
A gallon of gas costs 6.60$....
Hawng said:
everybody is going to have to go get one of these....


The 1990 ford festiva, With enough room to put your ass and thats about it. I filled up this weekend, at $2.74 it cost me 23 bucks and at 35 mpg city, highway is about 40-45. I can go all week on a tank of gas.

My lard-ass would not fit, and no-way it's pulling my pop-up!
MichiMikey said:
I paid 2.69/g in Redford the other day. $44.60 to top off the durango. o_O

How long will that last you for? I'm soooo thankful I take public transportation to work right now. $54.00 for a monthly pass - good any time of day, any day of the month for the entire month.
Mass transit sux here on L.I no buses after 6:30 p.m & trains only run east & west.But the LI railroad runs all weekend and all night. :loco:
but gas here is $2.69 a gallon & going up!! o_O
I avg, at best, 14.8 mpg. But that is a lifetime avg (30k miles), and that's included a bunch of camping trips.
I meant like will it last you a week, two weeks, you have to fill up twice a week, something like that. I dont really understand the mpg in the city on the highway, etc.
eighteeschick said:
I meant like will it last you a week, two weeks, you have to fill up twice a week, something like that. I dont really understand the mpg in the city on the highway, etc.

I live near my work and I work 7 days so that tank will last me about a week-and-a-half. I never figued out diff between city and highway. My camper goes out at about 3800 lbs, and we've been all over MI and as far as Cave City, KY. That 14.8 is an average for the life of the vehicle. I think its actually closer to 13 now anyway. :yell:

BTW, Mass transit in SE MI sucks ass. Motor city has no buses and SEMTA is tired of carrying the load for the DOT.