OT: High Gas Prices

eighteeschick said:
I know my opinion is probably not a popular one, but SUVs and H2s don't make the situation any better. Sure, maybe the owners can afford to pay for the gas since they can afford to own the H2 in the first place. But when the price of gas is so high (which I do partly blame on these vehicles) and I cannot afford gas for my Lumina, then I do have a problem with it. How many people really need an H2 when they live in the city?

Exactly on all points. Somebody here has said "if it's profitable..." well, honestly, alternative fuel sources need to be researched whether it's profitable or not. Without it, in less than a generation we're doomed. Everything we do in our lives is dependent on petroleum. Someone also said public transport. A super idea, but only NYC, the center of DC, Boston, Chicago proper have the density that can justify public transport. U.S. sub/urban development has made public transport all but useless. Sooner or later we're going to have to find a solution to our crack-addict devotion to petroleum. U.S. petrol prices are cheaper than most countries, as has been noted. Perhaps higher prices would push people to think more critically about their consumption choices (like SUVs). This certainly isn't going to popular, so flame away.
I filled up @ the price of $2.56 the other day. I drove by that same gas station a couple HOURS later and gas was at $2.62!! Gentlemen, we are fucked.