Tube Decisions.. a good recommendation?


New Metal Member
May 23, 2007
I was recommended the following for re-tubing my mesa roadster head:


I think the RUBY 6L6GCMSTR's would be best for death metal. In the preamp, we like a mix pf 12AX7's including a Tung-Sol reissue in the first spot, a high gain JJ in V2, chinese in V3 and V4 and V5 and a Sovtek LPS in V6. If you would like to freshen up the rectifier tubes, we have the Electro Harmonix or JAN Philips 5U4GB's. If you're using your bold switch, then the rectifiers dont matter.

I do play in a prog death metal band.. but we do have a lot of rocky/dream theater type parts and i'm not exactly totally after an all death metal tube.. but i do a ton of fast death metal riffing as well. Just something very versatile. I don't know much about tubes. I'm a big fan of john petrucci's tone [who isn't?] of course that's not achievable because i don't have his guitar, fingers, gear etc. but just something tight and crunchy would be great. any tube reccomendations? or should i go for what was told for me? anyone agree or disagree?
If you're a big fan of Petrucci's tone, sell the Roadster and get a Mesa Mark IV. That's the amp that he uses. You'll probably make money in the process, the MkIV sells for $1000-1200 on the used market and the Roadster sells for considerably more.

As far as tube choice, it really depends on exactly what you want your tone to sound like. Warm, cold; bright, dark; harsh, smooth; aggressive, relaxed; tight, huge; etc...

The tube choices he gave you will probably sound good. Right now I've got EH 12AX7s in my Marshall, and a Mullard RI 12AX7 and a JJ ECC83S in my ENGL and the sound is fucking great.
"As far as tube choice, it really depends on exactly what you want your tone to sound like. Warm, cold; bright, dark; harsh, smooth; aggressive, relaxed; tight, huge; etc..."

i guess warm, inbetween, smooth, tight, huge?

buying a new amp really isn't an option for me.
im not really trying to replicate petrucci, just something similar i can get out of my amp. i guess i like his characteristic of a really huge crunch. and his solo tone is godly in my opinion. it's so liquidy.
"As far as tube choice, it really depends on exactly what you want your tone to sound like. Warm, cold; bright, dark; harsh, smooth; aggressive, relaxed; tight, huge; etc..."

i guess warm, inbetween, smooth, tight, huge?

buying a new amp really isn't an option for me.

Mullard 12AT7 for V1, and a mix of Tung Sol and Shuguang 12AX7s for the rest. The Mullard will reduce the gain and increase clarity, while the Tung Sols and Shuguangs will boost bite and edginess. Also the Mullard will introduce a nice warmth to the tone.

If you want a "bigger", darker sound, try JJ ECC83.
12ax7's mesa tubes - there russian tubes but with a longer guarantee and i think they sound quite amazing. ruby's are stock tubes for alot of tube amp makers because they are cheap so im not too much of a fan of their tone