Tubescreamer question


Mar 25, 2005
Paris, France
Hi James, I have a few questions for you:

I've read somewhere you have an Ibanez TS-9 overdrive pedal.
Do you use it only for solos or for rhythm parts as well?
Could you give us your favourite settings on this pedal?

Have you ever tried the DOD YJM308 pedal? What do you think about it?

Thank you!
i am not 100% on this James will have to verify of course but most Metal guitarists that use the ts-9 or some variant there of, do it with the gain turned down. It is used to tame the low end on the signal going into the preamp section of your amplifier. It also focuses the tones and adds a nice crunch to the low mids on some amps. My personal preference for the TS-9 is to push the signal going into the front of the amp a bit in order to get extra power tube distortion.