TURBO is the greatest!!

From what I've heard, Ram It Down doesn't touch Turbo! I love Blood Red Skies, but hate the title track. Because of this I've never bothered trying the rest.

But like I said - I think Turbo would make a great Kiss record, rather than Priest.
Turbo! - Not priest's finest hour, but awesome.
The song "reckless" is incredible also - I guess we need to remember the time it was released for the style they did.
They did however loose many fans with that one and gained them back for Ram it down.
Get the remastered versions too.
And then lost some fans again with Painkiller.. Those who thought the band had suddenly turned thrash or death.
To me, apart from the title track, Painkiller isn't all THAT different to Ram It Down except for having WAY better production. Most of the songs are still mid-paced arena style heavy metal tracks like most Priest (Hell Patrol, Nightcrawler, One Shot At Glory, Between The Hammer & The Anvil, All Guns Blazing, etc). Metal Meltdown is a little thrashier but probably the best song on the album in my opinion.

The only complaints I've really heard about Painkiller is that the vocals are too screechy, but again I think that's only on the title track that they are even screechy at all.
Blitzkrieg said:
I really love the 80s commercial sound they have on songs like 'Turbo Lover', etc. Does any of their other material sound like that?

Only really on Turbo and Ram It Down. I really recommend "Priest...Live!" Very polished live album but all the songs are played with the Turbo style production and it sounds great... especially for songs like Headin' Out To The Highway. The video is awesome too, huge stage show!
All of Painkiller is pretty much flawless in my opinion. :)

Metal Meltdown is probably my favourite just for Halford's vocals... "Ouuuuuuuuuuut of controooooool! Abouuuuuuuuuuuuut toooooooooo exploooooooooode! It's comin' at ya!"

:rock: :rock:
"All! Guns! All guns blaaaazzzinnggg!" :rock:

Listening to Painkiller (the album) is the best exercise one can get without leaving the lounge room. Pure adrenaline from beginning to end.

I've heard two tracks each from Turbo and Ram It Down (the ones on Metalworks) and I like 'em. Just not enough to buy the albums.

I am, however, impatiently waiting for my remastered Unleashed In The East. Ordered it a year ago and still no sign...