Turning midi drums into Ezdrummer/dfh

Nov 6, 2006
Taylor, MI
ok i searched and searched and still couldnt find out if i can take my drums that i programmed in guitar pro and make them into sampled drums with ez drummer of dfh. what do i need to do this? need help!
download EzPlayer Free off the toontrack website, it's a VST plug that lets you stick in a GM file and it converts it to whatever drum sampler you want.
ShredderForHire - I'm not sure what other forums you've been to, but this forum, and website, does not allow/condone things like pirating software or trading torrent files that will allow you to do so. I'm not a moderator, but I'm still going to let you know this. If you wish to stick around for a while, I would recommend you keep comments and questions like that to yourself. Just my opinion though.
