Turnkey DAW (PC)


New Metal Member
May 12, 2007
Can anyone recommend an online source for prebuilt PC DAWs? I've found several via google, but I'd like to know who has a good reputation and can be trusted to build a system without me seeing it firsthand.
I love my Rain Recording Livebook, and I'm sure they're desktops are just as good! (the main perk, besides the hardware, is the service and the fact that they tweak XP for MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY)
YES, holy shit - my Livebook is seriously inaudible when it's not doing anything, and even under full strain I've never heard anything remotely as quiet
James, in every one of these threads, I recommend Rain and you recommend ADK - TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU TO BRING YOUR ADK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW, we'll have them duel at recess to decide the victor! :lol:
:lol::lol::lol:I get a little kick out of it:saint: that and my adk is totally tits although im sure most custom build audio pc's are great as their built by people who know their shit
Well... don't buy from Turnkey... being as they no longer exist! Ignore their website... they went into administration last year, as did Sound Control (boo hoo....heh)