Tutorial: How to make super tight guitars using sidechaining (ie. veil of maya)


Jun 25, 2008
okay, i really do suck at explaining things so please bare with me.

WHAT ARE WE DOING: using our quantized kick to side chain a gate on the DI guitars to make it very very "stop chugga" as they call it

WHY NOT JUST EDIT?: this takes about roughly 5 minutes max as opposed to editing plus you don't have to make a single cut!

okay first lets get our routing down, i am using reaper


i am automating the bybass of the gate so either its on (for the breakdowns) or its of, for normal riffs


and here is what was on the DI and then being re-amped

ungated: http://catharsis.supremepixels.com/gate/ungated.mp3

gated: http://catharsis.supremepixels.com/gate/gated.mp3
jesus christ i made so many spelling errors in the photoshop file jesus christ it needs to say this our bybass and our guitars don't get cut off*
I kinda liked the result, but editing gives you much more control... like there are some parts that kick in way to sudden and some cuts are also way to sudden... but yeah it is a pretty good alternative and it can work pretty well on some occasions! Thanks for the tutorial ^^
I kinda liked the result, but editing gives you much more control... like there are some parts that kick in way to sudden and some cuts are also way to sudden... but yeah it is a pretty good alternative and it can work pretty well on some occasions! Thanks for the tutorial ^^

word but you can use this with editing also. just to make your guitars even tighter after you edit em,
fuck didn't realize there was so many clicks and pops. i gotta stop watching movies when i am rendering

Oh and the guitar trick is pure genius too haha.
Way TOO tight. Like I said on MSN, I can edit an entire song of this style in 10-15 mins if I'm feeling lazy, and depending of the tightness of the playing to begin with of course. So for not much work, I get a result that I have complete control over.
yeah, but you have to cut and all that, why not just gate the breakdown, and look boom, epic super tight chuggaz, another part comes up that you don't want it gated? bybass that shit. easy

btw that bass is chained too. and its making everything stupidly fucking tight even in ungated version
yeah but that's like
too much!
i am gonna play around with this none the less
ill fuck about with the DI's for me and dcdanmans bow down cover tomorrow

dude it deff is too tight........but thats what veil and boo are all about in their breakdowns!

ryan this is perfect=]
this trick is alot like this one they used on a huey lewis album in the 80's. They programmed the bass line with a synth, then they sidechained a gate that they put on the real bass track to open when the synth played. Instant tight bass.
Their earlier work was a little too... new-wave for my taste!

American Psycho quotation aside, even Born of Osiris and Veil of Maya and such aren't this unnaturally tight sounding. It's taken a fair bit further than I'd usually take it with my own mixes, but it's still no-where near the level of this, I swear.

But I assume if you turned up the release time a bit, it'd be less... destructive with the gating?

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