Tutorial: Making my guitar tracks sound huge

I highpass at 250hz. 6db/oct.
I give the whole 40 - 250 to the bass and chisel a bit out for the kick.
250 is ridiculous for guitars, and IMO so is 150; the above example still sounds like there's a hole between guitar and bass in the lower freq's, and dropping the cutoff to 100 or even lower shouldn't be an issue with a well-balanced tone
Cutting at 250 will turn mud into sparkle. Just remember to cut 250/6 and not 250/48. Let the Bass take all that bottom end.
I think the cut-offs at 100/110 for the rhythms, i will sometimes cut up to 250 for the 'fiddly' mids to get rid of unwanted noise. I think that clip sounds pretty awful in general, the guitars and bass don't sound 'glued' together and that snare is god damn weak.
250 is ridiculous for guitars, and IMO so is 150; the above example still sounds like there's a hole between guitar and bass in the lower freq's, and dropping the cutoff to 100 or even lower shouldn't be an issue with a well-balanced tone
-Loco- said:
I think the cut-offs at 100/110 for the rhythms, i will sometimes cut up to 250 for the 'fiddly' mids to get rid of unwanted noise. I think that clip sounds pretty awful in general, the guitars and bass don't sound 'glued' together and that snare is god damn weak.

I rechecked and two were highpassed at 150hz and two were highpassed at 100hz. I'm using a 12dB/oct filter, so it is equivalent to highpassing at 50hz and 75hz at 24dB/oct. I have cut at 300hz on the bass. And the point was not to make a perfect sounding clip but just a quick example, I think I spent something like 20 minutes to do that clip.


orange is bass, pink is guitars
I dont think your example is a good example. Of course you have good intentions and that´s great. But the bass is not giving hugeness because the guitars are not well equalized and the bass and the guitars are not glued as they should be. And a highpass at 150hz is not also the better option.
Part of the hugeness comes from tight playing........or good editing ;)
So nope, your sloppy clip doesn't sound very huge, sorry
I think for step 2 you should state "Play virgin tight" and then step 3 " Done"
i think this is a great example - bass is part of the "whole" of the gtr sound , just listen to Faith no more 's "Diggin the grave" - the Bass just drives the entire track, with the gtr's sitting on top nicely.