Tweaking noise and feedback

Bitter Dawn

Oct 12, 2007
Washington, USA
Alright, I found the correct forum for this.

Is there a way I can tweak my guitar recording's with a program, such as FL 7 XXL? I imagine there should be.

The problem is that I have some noise that I don't want, like slight scratching noises from the pick catching the edge of the string's, it's only here and there thankfully. I used Reaper to record, but I am not certain if the program has the ability to alter the sound like that.
what you can do, is record the scratching sound by itself, check at what frequencies it is, and then cut those freqs from your guitar track. but it's a matter of technique and/or picks, so thats where you should start. cutting or trying to hide stuff like that on the guitar kills tone