TWELFTH GATE Update & Final Shows of 2008

Oh yeah, I will be there fo shizzle. Do they still have the lobsters in the water tank or are they floating upside down somewhere else?
Just got back from the 12th Gate show. I saw most of the Chicago metal regulars at the show which is always cool. I'm sorry if I didn't say good bye to some people, but I was really tired and needed to get home.

12th Gate was great as always, this was by far Aaron's best performance I think. 12th Gate had a good sound, their amp tweaking helped a lot. I thought the sound in the upstairs room at Penny Road sucked ass though. I prefer the parking lot stage downstairs. Hope everyone had fun that went. :rock:
Thanks for the kind words guys...glad to hear you liked the show. :kickass:

BTW, why the username change, Amber? No longer a Powermetal Nerd? ;)

Wow...didn't know our show effected you that much. :tickled:

Can't wait to see the pics...tell Eric thanks! :kickass:
You can take the Nerd out of the Power, but you can't take the power out of the nerd...wait.....what?
Ha Ha!
Got tired of having to explain the name to various if it wasn't self-explanatory. ;)
Ah Well.
I was thinking of changing it to 'Josefina Saladbar', but ultimately decided against it.
I don't even know what to say other than the recliner felt much better than getting up and going out. HA!

Epic Fail on my part!!
My sentiments exactly, all the way around.

Aaron ruled.
Orpheus ruled.

Jose totally FAILED. I told him so via text when I found out he was "tired" and wasn't coming. :Smug:

Great show guys. :)