Two cpu one DAW one project simultaneously


Apr 17, 2010
Apparently this is possible ? Run your DAW in my case Logic on one mac and use a second mac as a slave to run a sample based instrument. For example a friend has a Kontakt library that I don't and I would like to use this library on my project, specifically I need to be able to control parameters whilst recording.
In short, one mac running logic another mac running Kontakt as an external instrument ??
Logic has no such function, you can set up a logic node on another computer which spreads the processing of logics own synths and plugins. Vienna ensemble plugin can host external slave sample instruments but it looks a ball ache and isn't that cheap. There seems to be a gap in the market for some sort of simple mixer plugin that would allow this function, if I had a clue I would program one myself and make some money!
On a similar note, I've been wondering this:

Anyone, in a pinch, ever use 2 computers, running 2 DAWS and 2 interfaces to gain extra inputs? I can't quite afford another interface right now, and pondered with the idea of doing this for drum tracking (I have a Profire 2626 and also a Fast Track Pro). I'd imagine it could work. Just seems like sort of a pain. But the extra 2 inputs would really help me out.
Maybe using the good old midi? Logic computer midi out->cable->kontakt machine midi in and then the audio outputs used as if it was a hardware synth?

I don't know if you could automate from the logic comp to the "instrument computer" but its a solution ;)
On a similar note, I've been wondering this:

Anyone, in a pinch, ever use 2 computers, running 2 DAWS and 2 interfaces to gain extra inputs? I can't quite afford another interface right now, and pondered with the idea of doing this for drum tracking (I have a Profire 2626 and also a Fast Track Pro). I'd imagine it could work. Just seems like sort of a pain. But the extra 2 inputs would really help me out.

If both your interfaces have an ADAT IN/OUT on the back you should be good. Connect them via an ADAT cable, route inputs in your DAW, and voila you´re good to go.
My main interface is the Digirack 003, which only has 4 mic pre´s. I also own a Saffire octa pre, when connected to Digirack 003 via ADAT, it gives me 12 inputs.
Yeah but the FTP can't linked, pretty certain. FTP is USB and Profire is FireWire. Can't use the FTP as standalone.

If I was smart I'd ditch the profire and get two 8-input USB interfaces.
never got why people always try to max their computer's capability to the absolute maximum...
seriously, quad-cores with 16GB DDR3 RAM nowadays are dirt cheap and they're good enough for just about anything. you can always get some more RAM or better processor for not more than 200$, so why bother going through bullshit such as linking 2 computers together?
never got why people always try to max their computer's capability to the absolute maximum...
seriously, quad-cores with 16GB DDR3 RAM nowadays are dirt cheap and they're good enough for just about anything. you can always get some more RAM or better processor for not more than 200$, so why bother going through bullshit such as linking 2 computers together?

For example a friend has a Kontakt library that I don't and I would like to use this library on my project, specifically I need to be able to control parameters whilst recording.

I don't think it's a horsepower issue ;)
Maybe using the good old midi? Logic computer midi out->cable->kontakt machine midi in and then the audio outputs used as if it was a hardware synth?

I don't know if you could automate from the logic comp to the "instrument computer" but its a solution ;)

This is originally how I was looking at it, as though Kontakt player was an external hardware synth. I think it may be possible to go this route using midi+analog connections but it's hurting my head thinking about it !
never got why people always try to max their computer's capability to the absolute maximum...
seriously, quad-cores with 16GB DDR3 RAM nowadays are dirt cheap and they're good enough for just about anything. you can always get some more RAM or better processor for not more than 200$, so why bother going through bullshit such as linking 2 computers together?
^This guy. True!
Correct, this has nothing to do with horsepower.

i am willing to admit that i may or may not have read the whole thread before posting... :saint:

anyway as someone who deals with live music about 99% of the time, i try to avoid using synths altogether.
i may use something to generate a bassdrop every now and than or maybe a constant sub-bass to give people the creeps, but Kontakt librarys and such tend to give me a huge migraine.
If you're dealing with live music, stick to working with things that the artist can actually play live + some minor improvements IMHO.
If you're dealing with music that's not live or can't be played live, you're on the wrong forum anyway *insert link to Joey's forum* :Smokin:
i am willing to admit that i may or may not have read the whole thread before posting... :saint:

anyway as someone who deals with live music about 99% of the time, i try to avoid using synths altogether.
i may use something to generate a bassdrop every now and than or maybe a constant sub-bass to give people the creeps, but Kontakt librarys and such tend to give me a huge migraine.
If you're dealing with live music, stick to working with things that the artist can actually play live + some minor improvements IMHO.
If you're dealing with music that's not live or can't be played live, you're on the wrong forum anyway *insert link to Joey's forum* :Smokin:

I think we can both agree that you did not read the whole thread:Smug:
I posed the question in relation to my own set up and for the purpose of my own writing. So, unless you can supply me with an entire orchestra living and working for free in my studio every day, kontakt player will have to do.
^ my apologies, but anyway it seems like what you're trying to do is jumping through hoops even tough you don't have to.
is it not possible to just copy his Kontakt library to your mac? or just do the automation afterwards rather than while tracking?