Two good albums released today


Jan 11, 2006
Black Label Society - Shot to Hell

What can I say. Its at least as good as their other albums. This album definitely leans more towards 'their' Alice in Chains sound, than their 'Ozzy' sound. To me, this is a good thing. It makes them sound a bit more of their own, than just 'Zack Wylde making an Ozzy CD... without Ozzy.'

Mastodon - Blood Mountain

I think that this album will be enjoyed most by 'our' crowd. The progressive metal fans. Hell these guys could easily play ProgPower (though they are from Atlanta, and tour enough to not make the show really worth it for PP). These guys are really quite awesome. I think the 'metalcore' tab tends to get them shunned by various metal fans, when it shouldn't. If you've never listened to them before, this is a great album to start with.
I have seen MASTODON 2 times live, and each time I am always like, "Yeah, I kind of dig this, but then a couple songs later am rather bored". Maybe someday I will check em out on disc.

I have seen them described as everything from prog to sludge to metalcore to stoner to doom to polka! (Ok, that last one was a lie!)
I like them on cd but not live. I have seen them live twice now and was bored out of my mind
BLS has quickly become one of those bands, where if you own one CD by them, you don't need to own a second. Stronger Than Death had a very raw sound. However, all the BLS discs that followed it have had a very polished, very processed sound. There's very little that distinguishes these discs from one another.

The Mastadon is interesting. I haven't fully digested it.

I'm not a Zakk fan really, so I've never gotten into his BLS stuff. I did like the Pride & Glory project though.

As far as Mastodon is concerned, I've explored them a bit, but I haven't been floored by anything I've heard. They sound technical, but a little repetitive at the same time. The vocals are lacking too, but I'm an odd ball when it comes to modern vocals.