The Dear Hunter - Act III: Life and Death (Eclectic Prog Rock)


Jun 14, 2005
Los Angeles
Anyone into these guys? These guys draw influences from all kinds of music and blend it into one completely mind blowing sound. Their latest album Act III: Life and Death is much darker than their previous two and leaning more towards the progressive rock side of their sound.

With this latest release they've completely dominated my charts of late, I don't want to listen to anything BUT The Dear Hunter, they're that good. If you have an open mind about your music and can tolerate the indie sound, this is gonna blow you away, I guarantee it.

yes, I'm a huge fan. New album is 4.5 stars..I love how cohesive it is.

Casey Crescenzo in my mind, is the best songwriter to come along since Kevin Gilbert. He's just that brilliant.

I would suggest for people who have never heard his previous band, The Receiving End of Sirens, but really enjoy TDH, to pick up their debut album that he was very involved-with "Between the Heart and the Synapse."

Arguably, it's as good if not better than any of TDH's albums. Vocal harmonies and catchiness is nearly unthinkable at times.

I was supposed to see them for the 4th time live on Thursday, but they got food poisoning, and never made to to St.Paul for the show here. Here's hoping they get well soon and can play on the rest of the dates, and will comeback later in the year.

They're opening for Coheed and Cambria for a couple of shows in PA in August in fact.

The Dear Hunter is (along w Dredg, Mew, Coheed & Cambria, Three (3) and Entakt) one of the most exciting "new wave of prog rock" bands. The mixture of great pop tunes, technical progressive rhythmic patterns and an overall sense of the good melody makes them one of those bands that just hits home with me.

I really love the "Act III" disc, but the new Dredg however is just that tad better ...
Great, great band. I was finally able to see them live when they opened for mewithoutYou a few weeks ago and they were unbelievably good.