Two new Transparent songs

sounds great. I mean both music and production (the kick drums sound a bit too clicky for me but that's the only flaw i notice here).

I dig the vocals because they sound heavy and agressive, in a modern way. The screaming stuff reminds me of The Haunted's singer (Dolving), and Merauder's Jorge Rosado as well. The non-screaming stuff sound great also. Your vocalist is definitely good. There are many bands that have badass music but the singing ruins everything. Here the vocals are the icing of the cake.

p.s: another badass band coming from Denmark..again !
sounds great. I mean both music and production (the kick drums sound a bit too clicky for me but that's the only flaw i notice here).

I dig the vocals because they sound heavy and agressive, in a modern way. The screaming stuff reminds me of The Haunted's singer (Dolving), and Merauder's Jorge Rosado as well. The non-screaming stuff sound great also. Your vocalist is definitely good. There are many bands that have badass music but the singing ruins everything. Here the vocals are the icing of the cake.

p.s: another badass band coming from Denmark..again !

i´m glad you like it, feel free to ask questions if you have any conserning the recording process.
I found some pictures from the recording









nice !

thansk for the pics

p.s : i dig Suffocation, Hatesphere and Submission too !

p.s 2 : your LTD Stephen Carpenter sig looks sick !

You´re welcome! our drummer btw. is also the drummer in Submission and has done a couple of tours as drummer in Hatesphere.
The Ltd is an awesome guitar, i would buy the Esp version if it wasn´t so fucking expensive in Europe.
You´re welcome! our drummer btw. is also the drummer in Submission and has done a couple of tours as drummer in Hatesphere.
The Ltd is an awesome guitar, i would buy the Esp version if it wasn´t so fucking expensive in Europe.


Now that you tell me i've seen him live in Finland with Hatesphere when they toured with Soilwork 2 years ago or something. That was the first time i heard about Submission.

In my city a lot of my "metalhead friends" dig Submission, Hatesphere, The Arcane Order, Raunchy and so on...