anyone into Testament and Arch enemy should check this out

metalizer said:
I wouldn't call it thrash, to me it sounds more like black and death metal.I like the beginning before it turns into black metal,is it a demo?
Sorry bro but weren't you the one who was whining on the Destruction board when they said your music wasn't Thrash?

That last clip was more Thrash than any of your songs.
We were being accused for being to melodic to be thrash, i don't want to be a judge of what is thrash or not i just think that that song sounded more inspired by death and black metal (that's not a negative thing, i think that the tone on the Destruction board was very negative towards Transparent because i refered to the music as being thrash )i weren't saying that they shouldn't call it thrash, sure there are thrash elements and if they think of themselves as a thrash band than that's fine with me.
metalizer said:
We were being accused for being to melodic to be thrash
Well you are basically saying that the clip wasn't thrash because it was too brutal to be thrash. Same difference.

Treat people the way you expect them to treat you, that's all.
Well I think your music has more -core elements than Thrash but because you are such a whiner on the other forum I didn't express it so far, but so be it.
metalizer said:
I wouldn't call it thrash, to me it sounds more like black and death metal.I like the beginning before it turns into black metal,is it a demo?

Its from the new album, "Purity the Darwinian Paradox" out on Candelight records.

About our style, a lot of people in reviews have said that we sound like a lot of bands, but no real band stands out. Eg. Death, Emeperor, Mastadon, At the Gates, Carcass, Kyuss, Gorguts -

As a band we are into alot of stuff musically and I think this is healthy. I just love music, simple as that. I just prefer not listening to cheese! :grin:
Congratulations on the record deal that's great, i think your music sounds professionel and to me it really dosen't matter what label people put on your music as long as it is doing justice to the music, all the best.
cheers mate, I just listened to your stuff and it sounds top notch! it seems like you guys should be getting signed soon.

It sounds very good for a demo and I believe that in the current music climate your stuff would do well, especially with the catchy vocal lines with melody.

Where are you guys from by the way?
Thanks man! we are from Denmark(right below Sweden)Alot of people are saying that it is much easier to get a record deal nowdays, but i'm not so sure it seems that all the bigger labels are only signing bands who allready have released a couple of albums.It might be possible to get a record deal, but i think it is very hard to get a good one,are you satisfied with your deal with Candlelight records?
yea its not a bad deal, at the end of the day we aint gonna earn much money out of this venture but for me its a fucking cool hobby, and over time, if we stay around for a while, some money might come in. We get advances but the money has to be recouped through sales which is standard.

For me I love writing music for the band and plaing gigs, I also love engineering and recording but I hate working in a fucking off liscense and I would love to be able to live via music.

This is unlikely though unfortunately, unless a play drums for Britney Spears or write a cool no. 1 pop tune! highly unlikey..
Fyhed said:
yea its not a bad deal, at the end of the day we aint gonna earn much money out of this venture but for me its a fucking cool hobby, and over time, if we stay around for a while, some money might come in. We get advances but the money has to be recouped through sales which is standard.

For me I love writing music for the band and plaing gigs, I also love engineering and recording but I hate working in a fucking off liscense and I would love to be able to live via music.

This is unlikely though unfortunately, unless a play drums for Britney Spears or write a cool no. 1 pop tune! highly unlikey..

It sounds like an ok contract i hope you guys do well,it's great that you play what you feel for instead of followering trends,we are also just playing the music that we like, it just happens that there are alot of new bands at the moment who have some of the same influences as the ones we have. :rock:
metalizer said:
Alot of people are saying that it is much easier to get a record deal nowdays, but i'm not so sure it seems that all the bigger labels are only signing bands who allready have released a couple of albums.

I'm not sure if it's easier now to get signed now than in the past ( I don't really have any basis for comparison). It's certainly true that most of the guys I know in signed bands are doing a record or two for a smaller label and then moving up rather than starting big. That's what we did and I think it's easy to see why labels want a proven track record (and fanbase) from a band when signing.
Plus, IMHO most of the time your better off on a smaller label where you'll be some sort of a priority than being on the bottom rung at a big label.
Candelight is really cool in that they give us total freedom,
With Earache, i talked to a couple of bands and they the label do not let them record on any other projects which they may be involved in...

I know that with earache, they are a big label and bigger than candelight, but for me it is important for me to be able to record my own stuff.

But when you are offered a deal at earache, its a "take it or leave it situation" and I guess getting a deal with earache is too hard to turn down for most bands.