anyone into Testament and Arch enemy should check this out

I REALLY dig the guitar sound on "Defcon 5". That's just fuckin SICK! Great job man.
metalizer said:
(you will laugh your ass of when you see some of the recording gear that we used)

I haven't heard the mp3s yet myself, but judging by great reactions here, it's after all about the man who turns the knobs, eh? ;)
What's the use of the best equipment in unskilled hands?
After all, if the studio has Avalons and Neumanns it AIN'T bad. :grin:
And you yourself have very good equipment, so what's there left to laugh about? :tickled:
More comments when I download your stuff... ;)
i had a johnson millenium stereo 250 for over 5 years. it was a fantastic amp, i got some really killer tones from it at the time. i loved the floorboard, it made me feel like a rockstar when i was a teenager haha, it was a nice amp and good used buy. the leads and cleans are very nice for a solid state/digital amp. i use a jstation now when i practice and cut my demos and song ideas, and i still think the crunch and clean tones are better than any pod to date, just do a little tweakin and your in business.

and your right johnson was just a division of digitech. it actually said digitech on the back of my amp. the interface is almost identical to a 2112 preamp.
This is fucking awesome!!
Great sounding band, i've added the site directly in my bookmarks!!
