Two Pink Cream 69 Questions


Neuroses Facilitator
To any diehard PC69 fans, I had a bit of curiosity on a couple things...

1. I have Electrified (1998) and I know that Thunderdome came out recently (2004, I believe). Besides those, what other albums do they have with David readman singing, and what years did they come out?


2. On the lyrics for the Electrified album, there seem to be a lot of 'higher power'/borderline Christian lyrical stance on a few songs (three at least). Are PC69 considered a 'Christian Band', or was that just a faze for the writing they did at the time?

Thanks in advance!
Sonic Dynamite is just about equal in quality to Electrified and is actually my fave cd by them. Yes, David Readman is on it. It came out in 2000. I love Sonic Dynamite big time! As for the second question. They are not a Christian band that I'm aware. Just a coincidence I would guess.
Christian really.

The 1995 and 1997 albums aren't their beware.

I think Electrified, Sonic, Endangered, and Thunderdome should please any prospective fan. Endangered seems to be a very underrated album, in my opinion.

Rock on!
Sonic Dynamite is as strong as anything they've ever done with David Readman.

Christian Band? They're not a Christian band that I'm aware of anyway, but that's not to say the band members aren't. I know what you're saying by some of the lyrics. I'm more perceptive or attracted to bands that have Christians in them that aren't out flaunting it around and using it as a sales gimmick!
edgeofthorns said:
I know what you're saying by some of the lyrics. I'm more perceptive or attracted to bands that have Christians in them that aren't out flaunting it around and using it as a sales gimmick!

Amen! If they're serious about what they're singing then fine, but to do it as a gimmick is really crappy to me. I MUCH prefer bands that hint around at it or have uplifting, general messages than straight up "He is our lord and here is his glory in a metal song!!!"
Heavenly Call said:
Amen! If they're serious about what they're singing then fine, but to do it as a gimmick is really crappy to me. I MUCH prefer bands that hint around at it or have uplifting, general messages than straight up "He is our lord and here is his glory in a metal song!!!"

Yeah, you said it alot better than I did! There's a few bands that come to mind in the sense that you're referring to for example: Balance of Power, Magnitude 9, Freedom Call, and Savatage (from 1989 to current). There's quite a few bands that write intelligent, positive lyrics that I wouldn't say they're Christians.

One of my all time favorite songs is Iron Maiden's Wasted Years. For me personally, it's an extremly encouraging song!
I have endangered at home and I like it alot. That is a good album with David on it. I sugguest you pick up that one!

Keep Rockin'!