Two songs in one thread.


Jan 8, 2011
Okay so song number one is your typical breakdown shit. Pretty brutal. Im looking for critique on the guitar tone. mainly the high end. there no bass in it yet but again, im only worried about the high end. Theres something i hate about it. crispy is the word i would use. idk if yall will agree or not. if you guys could help me out with some of your thoughts on it and if you dont like it, how would you fix it?

Song number two, i really dig. i like this mix alot, but i just want to know what you guys think. Lemme know what im doing wrong, and what im doing right. For the guitars on this one i decided to give them a bit of room, but the room option in pod farm wasnt what i was looking for so i made two reverb sends and panned them left and right. same exact reverb, quick decay and pretty bright. I then sent the left guitar to the right verb and the right guitar to the left. i think it sounds cool. im sure yall will pick it up but if you dont, turning off the group for the verb does actually make a pretty big difference. V2.mp3