Two very *uncommon* SyX pics

I think tyler was a good singer singing the wrong style of music. He reminds me of the vanden plas guy a little bit. Hope hes successfull elsewhere.
ptah knemu said:
Speaking of gone Sym. X members, what did Rod Tyler go off and do after he left the X? Did he just go off to normalness? Or did he find another project or something?

Every time I've asked MJR if he knows where Rod is these days, he says no, so your guess is as good as mine as to what he's up to now. I think Thomas Miller is the only one MJR really hears from anymore, & that's usually very sporadic and out of the blue when it happens.
if you listen to all of the other albums than hear Rod Tyler...he is very hard on the ears...But when you listen to it abit you get used to him... I find his singing alright, but I find he trys way to hard to sing this style. At some points he sounds like James Labrie with his dick stuck in a meat grinder other times he sounds like Russell Allen chocking on bubble gumm... But if you close your eyes and listen to the album enough times you see Tyle has some talent. He is a 'bad' metal singer. But i'm sure he aint a bad singer of another style. I believe I read somewhere once how Rod Tyler didn't even like Metal a whole bunch, and he was way to nervous to play live and shit... In other words Rod Wasn't enjoying himself as much as Allen is...If Allen still loved country, and disliked metal (no matter how good of a singer Allen is) his singing just wouldn't be the same, nore would the live performances.

On that note i'm sure everyone is aware of Tarja Turrunen leaving Nightwish (very old news) Nightwish would not be able to continue if she stayed because of poor attitude and her disliking metal strongly! Just like in that article I read about 'Symphony X' if Rod Tyler was still singing well Symphony X might have stopped written music along time ago... (although i doubt it they would of just found another singer...and they did lol)
MrFast said:
Am I the only one who likes Rod's vocals?

The musicality on "Rapture or Pain" is friggin' great, until the vocals come in. I've always found Rod's vocal style to be a weaker, harsher version of Russell Allen's vocals on "Dressed to Kill". Anyone else notice this?
Whenever I listen to Damnation Game, I always end up imagining what it would've sounded like if Rod was still singing then, and it's always on Whispers, TEoF, and Dressed to Kill. I like Tyler's singing, and dont find it very hard on the ears, but if Tyler sang TEoF and Whispers, I would've Dressed to Kill.

And while we're also discussing songs that Tyler wasnt bad on, I still think he did a pretty bang up job on Raging Seasons. (But a remake of it would be a blessing from the Metal Gods.)