tying a TIE


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
Which kind of knot do you do?
And what are the best instructions you can give me? =(

(I tried some guides on the internet, but I keep getting big monster knots that look pretty gross and the amount of failure I've had to endure has given me a headache)
I've only ever learned the HALF WINDSOR

Ha, the half windsor.

“So that’s what you think, is it? Because if that is what you think, then I have something to tell you. Something which may shock and discredit you. And that something is this: I’M NOT WEARING A TIE AT ALL.”
The half-windsor is the best.

Don't be a retard that does it with a huge knot and only a few inches of "tie" hanging below.

Those people should be sent to gulags.
Yes, and he damn well made sure that he did it properly too.

Many of the gulags were set up to mine silk to fund his tie fetish.
It is now, it was hunted to death to build "Uncle Joe's super fun silk land" which was later burned because it was deemed a political dissident.
yeah, the half stands for HALF ASSED. To get it looking symmetrically takes some extra effort, paying attention to all the bends, blah blah... but when you have to put that much into might as well do a real tie knot. I've just sarded because I hardly ever wear ties.
I won't wear ties. I'll wear a bowtie before I wear a tie. Usually I wear dress shirts that don't have collars, or I'll wear a fancy sport-jacket instead.
you're thinking of tie fighters, don't even dare pulling that tie shuttle bullshit. pull your head out of your mother's cunt, assclown... starships are for INTERSTELLAR travel.