

May 26, 2002
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Someone told me TYR posts on here sometimes.Is that true?
That dude is a fucking monster.Anyone who has either:

a)The Live Emperor DVD
b)The latest Borknagar...

...Will know what I'm talking about.
Anyway,if he is,I was wondering what your practice routine was when you were younger (Starting) and if you have any advice for upcoming metal bassists.
When I started out as a bassist (after 6 years with guitar) , I practiced alot of stuff from cd's of Dream Theater , Death , Fates Warning , Toto , Iron Maiden , Rush , Yes etc. I think that helped me alot , learning all those different styles.
I allways practiced alot and I still do , minimum 6 hours a day , 12 at the most , and thats not counting band rehearsals.
I get up at 6 am to start practicing :)
If you're looking for advise , I think you should have a look around at this web-board , there are many threads here about bass and bass-philosophies , the people here knows what they're talking about.
But to give you just a few pointers:
Use a metronome/drum-machine when you practice by yourself , have patience and discipline. Learn to walk before you run.
Study other bassists , get a teacher if you can afford it. Learning to read music isn't gonna hurt you either.

Hope that answered your question

Good luck and have fun :)

Tyr is very wise indeed. Heheheh. To further add, I'd suggest learning terminology as well. It definitely helps with discussions at times. How "good" are you? Have you been playing awhile? Do you have the basics down? I mean would you consider yourself intermediate or advanced yet? If you are, I'd also suggest looking a little bit into theory. Not so much, as I think if you look too much into it, you'll likely just confuse the shit out of yourself.. hahah. All in all, the statement I live most by.. is make sure you like your playing.

What I mean by that is, you have to enjoy playing what it is you play, musically. I've got a drummer friend who struggles at times because he tries to do too much fusion shit at once... and he began to consider himself a "shitty" drummer, for not having the ability to corner polyrhythms and such in the way Danny Carey could do. Basically, he was upset that his progression had seemed to gotten hindered... so I asked him what was wrong, and he asked me: "Dude, am I a good drummer?", and I told him:

"What? Yeah man, you're a pretty bad motherfucker... I'd say, your only problem is that when you get into something too much, you tend to speed up a little bit.. and you just have to keep your tempo controlled a bit better on those 120+ bpm double-bass rudiments."

This dude is a bad son of a bitch at just playing purely aggressive, straight-forward, steamrolling double-bass heavy shit. So, he felt better after that, and calmed down... and was then surprised to find out that once he stopped mentally kicking his ass, he started to progress again, and pick up more of the little fusion touches... like polyrhythms, synchopation.. those jazzy hi-hat touches...

So, just be in touch with your OWN STYLE of playing, before trying to tackle other people's shit too much. I Think individuality is what makes the player, anyways... I mean, if you can play everyone else's shit.. that's all well and good, but if you cant groove on your own... then man... I Dunno what to say about that.

Anyways, sorry for the long post, Im just tryin' to help out as best I can,

Anyone else care to chime in?

lmfao. You never fail to surprise me, man... that reminds me of Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back...


Hey,thanks alot for the reply.
Thats a shit load of practicing.
Christ,that is ALOT of practicing.I do about 3 hours a day now but I'd like to improve on that.When you're working,its hard to find the hours in the day though the idea of getting up at 6am intrigues me...
I'll give that a go.
Thanks again for the reply.
Ok first i'll start out by saying in no way do i mean any disrespect to TYR. I acctually respect you for dedication to practicing. MY gripe is you look like you are playing some good shit on the Emperial Live Ceremony Video... yet i can't hear the bass at all. Do you have any other recordings i could check out?
Originally posted by Tyr
The only other recording is Borknagar : Empiricism.
Which of course rules. Tyr did an excellent job (like my opinion matters..!) and I think there are some really neat bass lines on there. And of course, I wish you could hear him better, but the music has many layers, and I know all too well that it's hard to get a good electric bass volume in a metal album. But it's one of those things where the more you listen the more you hear. I heard a few killer licks the first and second times thru, but now that I've wore that bitch out a few thousand spins I can hear the little subtle underlayer runs and walks, harmonics, octavies, and chords. Tasteful stuff indeed.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
it's hard to get a good electric bass volume in a metal album.

Yeah dude, but you got an excellent bass sound in all Sadus albums and also in Death, "Individual..." has a better bass sound...

But, yeah, it's really fucking hard to listen to a metal album which has the bass in its right volume (which I think is Individual's volume)... Even many Dream Theater songs do not have a cool bass sound, with all the money they expend on the production?

So, what can we bassists do?? Pay some "extra" bucks for that guy who mixes the sound, like Steve did on that Testament's Dynamo 2000 gig?? hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Originally posted by LordFireworm
Ha.Yeah Steve,like your opinion matters.Its only your fucking forum.
Well, who am I to say if it was an excellent job or a poor job? I was just offering my opinion. I thought as far as most crazy fast metal albums go, Tyr filled in and made some interesting parts - to my ears anyway.

Originally posted by Diabolical
"it's hard to get a good electric bass volume in a metal album"
And Justice For All - Metallica *laughs*
I said "metal" album dude.