Tyranny Live at Burtrask Music Festival.


blastfucker of Manifest
Mar 7, 2006
We had a gig a couple of weeks ago at a music festival, the gig went great, there were about 250-300 ppl attending.

The bands were divided into two groups, Amateur and Professional, we were in the professional group, and finished first, which resulted in 10hrs of studiotime, which ain't much, but always something.

The audio quality are not top notch, but we didn't connect the camera into the mixerboard.

The songs we played were ;

Pursuit of vikings - Amon amarth

Caught Devouring - Tyranny ( that's us )

Roswell 47 - Hypocrisy

Anyways, have a look and tell me what u think ;

You was the singer?... your growls are good and the high pitches sounds really nice, next time try with At The Gates... slaughter of the soul, you'll sound killer... the music sounds good too, a little bit weak the guitars in the sound, lack of distortion? maybe, not deep enough, anyway that was a nice gig man, try with heavier distortions (Pedal distortion Boss MT-2).

You remind me my old bands... in the university and the school :)
no actually I'm the drummer :p

And about the guitar distortion, the amps were terrible, and so were the overall sound, it was a festival, so everyone used the same amps, you should hear the sound in the practice area, it sounds killer, so we have to blame the amps that already were there.

And we do play some At the gates covers just for fun, and yes our singer matches the songs very well.

But thank you anyway :)

Oh I see, bad luck with the amps... Roswell was your climax hahahaha... the drums sounds really strong in that song. Caught Devouring - Tyranny sounds great... nice job man! :)
Jag tar det på svenska :p ;
tack skaru ha :)

roligt att du gillade låtarna :)
Thanks guys, yeah, I'm currently uploading our homepage, so just sit tight :)
fair enough breedin-death, do u mean like the tempo of the songs?
develop it some more, so we can tkae advantage of the criticism and make something good out of it.
kuti said:
fair enough breedin-death, do u mean like the tempo of the songs?
develop it some more, so we can tkae advantage of the criticism and make something good out of it.

u will never advance to the level my taste demand.
drumming was good but if i say like this...Blast Beats all the way....
You guys didn't seem to get very into it. As a vocalist, I know it's hard at times, but you should try and rile the crowd up a bit. Make them want to hear more; communicate, jump around, make it more intense, and seem easier than it really is to growl. Get into it, instead of just standing there flipping your hair back.

Just some ideas on how to help your show.