UA Interface at NAMM?

"wow 1999 for the uad 2 duo card and 2499 with the quad! great pricing" - without thunderbold.

Thunderbolt has to be bought with an (additonal card) separately. :rolleyes:
Am I the only one to say that the price is a bit too much?... I mean - The UAD-2 Duo card on it's own is 899$, which means that the interface is 1100$!!... For that price I would at least expect eight mic preamps and not four. I'd rather buy the card alone and keep my Saffire Pro 40...
Am I the only one to say that the price is a bit too much?... I mean - The UAD-2 Duo card on it's own is 899$, which means that the interface is 1100$!!... For that price I would at least expect eight mic preamps and not four. I'd rather buy the card alone and keep my Saffire Pro 40...

I don't think the price is that ridiculous, Fireface 800 and UFX are over 1100$ and they also only have 4 mic pres. If the components are quality, drivers are solid and the unit is well built, the price seems fine to me. Don't forget that you get the feature of using those UAD plugins on the way in. Like i said, the only thing i don't like about it is the lack of a second ADAT, apart from that, the unit seems really nice.
I seriously might want one of these. cause i don't need it for tracking since i have the ff800 in the studio already. so i don't really need two adat port's one is more then enough for me. And i think the price's are very fair for what you are getting. and i am sure the thunderbolt add on wont be to much.
My question is can you track with the plug-ins on the inputs but still record the raw/dry signal? I track with compression and light EQ on vocals on the way in now but I wouldn't want to do too much with say drums, for example, on the way in. But it would be cool to have a headphone feed of drums that are partially processed/mixed while tracking them, if you can record the dry signal while doing so.
My question is can you track with the plug-ins on the inputs but still record the raw/dry signal? I track with compression and light EQ on vocals on the way in now but I wouldn't want to do too much with say drums, for example, on the way in. But it would be cool to have a headphone feed of drums that are partially processed/mixed while tracking them, if you can record the dry signal while doing so.

Yes, you can track wet or dry. It's controlled with the UA Console

Personally, I would never track wet.
Yes, you can track wet or dry. It's controlled with the UA Console

Personally, I would never track wet.

Well, still not clear :lol:

Can I track with the UA plug-ins on the inputs for monitoring but record the dry signal at the same time? Your answer implies one or the other ("wet or dry").
What I meant was that regardless of you having the UA plugs on, you can either track the wet or dry signal. I'm going to purposely not say it outright :p
Pretty sure my studio is going to be buying two with the thunderbolt option. If it's reported to be stable enough. I can't remember where I found the latency specs but at 96k, tracking through 4 plugins whilst multing the signal for dry and wet recording leaves you with 2ms of latency.

That sounds to me like a HDX style workflow with UAD plugins for $5000US. Best thing is it's for all DAWs. If this thing sounds as good as Universal Audios reputation it's going to be massive.
Yeah I am really interested in this interface now. My only complaint is I just wish it either had 4 more mic pres on it or another ADAT connection. I use more than 12 channels for drums 90% of the projects I get, 12 just isn't enough for me. I wonder if they could somehow make an expansion for ADAT in addition to the Thunderbolt one. Probably not?
If you have 4 external preamps you could use 16 ins without using SPDIF, or 18 with SPDIF. I can't say I've ever felt 18 channels to be limiting. I understand if you dont have any external pre's though, I'm still working on that myself we're borrowing gear for our "golden channels" at the moment.

The only reason we're buying two is for tracking drums printing through UAD Studer and some EQ / Compression, and for the option to track a full band at once if need be. There's a few people on Gearslutz going on about why you would want to commit, but I'm so excited for that. Nothing like making the record just sound immediately better, it gets the job done faster and keeps the band happier as the record sounds more "finished" as they track.

I just can't believe how cheap this is considering UA's track record of just completely missing the boat pricing wise. If that thunderbolt card is $500 or less these things are going to fly off the shelves. I'm just so excited as this opens up Pro Tools HD levels of latency and workflow without having to invest in that damn antiquated card structure. I completely understand the benefits of DSP in the tracking stage, and even with this interface there's still things that I won't be able to do but I think this one might have AVID a little scared.

I see this as their competition to the Omni, it's really what the Omni should have been. Having enough I/O for small studios like my own but with professional conversion and high-quality analog components. I was really interested in an Omni when I was contemplating going HDNative for my mixing setup, but I am planning to expend to a hybrid mixing environment and it was just to limited in outputs. Then there's HDX, I think its fair to say that most people on this forum have absolutely NO NEED for a HDX system, apart from the luxury of monitoring with plugins. Which to be fair is a drop in the water on those new cards. I think a few of the smaller studios that are making good money that would have jumped on a HDX1, have a more affordable option which is more tailored to their needs.

I might sound like I'm gushing now, but for once someone has released a product that fits my needs perfectly. The proof will be in the pudding though, this thing needs to sound / function as good as it looks on paper.
Unfortunately I do not have any external pres, just a MOTU 8Pre and Profire2626. Can't I use one of those and set it to run the signal from the mic pre to a line out? Then connect the line out into the line ins on the Apollo? I don't use either of my interfaces for that so I am not sure what all they can do beyond how I use them.

If I can do that then I could have one going ADAT with 8 channels and the other via line ins for 16, + the 4 on the Apollo.

Besides that my question is does it come with any of UA's plugs out of the box?
Nvm, it does come with some plugs:

UA website said:
Includes “Analog Classics”
plug-ins: LA-2A Classic Audio Leveler, 1176LN Limiting Amplifier, and Pultec EQP-1A Program Equalizer

That is pretty awesome.
I'm not sure how the profire works but if it functions in a standalone mode where you can route the pres to the lineouts I don't see why not! That or you could daisy chain the FireWire and use an aggregate I/O.
has anyone gotten this yet? im thinking of replacing one of my profire 2626s with it. i would really like to know how the conversion matches up with higher end stuff because i would be using the line ins with my seventh circle audio pres.
has anyone gotten this yet? im thinking of replacing one of my profire 2626s with it. i would really like to know how the conversion matches up with higher end stuff because i would be using the line ins with my seventh circle audio pres.

I'm pretty sure they haven't shipped yet.
hum that sucks. i guess i would def be waiting untill summer anyway. im just not sure if i should go for converters like the sparrow II from black lion audio or an interface like this. if the converters one this are good i will love is for its all in one-ness :p
I would imagine the converters in this one are on par with similarly priced ~10 D/A channel interfaces. I don't think people should be expecting "super high-end" - not that the conversion wont be perfectly fine.