interface troubles....again

Have I read right that the problems show up since you've installed W7?

Strange things going on at my W7 partition, so I'll stuck with XP atm...

I run the FF400 for 1 ²/1 years and it solid like a rock(with XP, atleast here)!
no, i had severe problems after the brownout (i can't tell for sure if the brownout caused it as i had not fired up the machine for over one week prior to that) that i couldn't solve, hence the format c and win7 install.
the problems aren't as severe anymore, but i still can't track any band right now.
Do you have the chance to change everything(Rams; Graphiccard...)?

Rams are often fuck shit up with strange actions(black screen at startup...)

Dunno, weird problems.
changed graphics card, no effect.
didn't change ram, but succesfully ran memory check, gave me no issues
If you're not having problems on your laptop, I say the brownout screwed your chipset. Time for a new motherboard.

That, and get a BATTERY BACKUP system so this doesn't happen again.
well, after using it with the laptop for some time now, dpc latency still reports issues and very rarely does spike into the red zone, the audio perfomance is fine though. i'm not experiencing any problems despite the dpc latency readings
btw, after doing some more extensive googling, i found a thread that told about gigabyte g31 series mobos having latency issues in win7. solution was to change the energy default settings in a way that forces the cpu to always work at 100%.

once i tried this, dpc latency checker still gives me frequent readings around 500-1000 microseconds, but it stll says the machine should handle audio stuff just fine.
i'm still running the fireface on my laptop right now, so i haven't checked if the issues are solved, but the dpc readings certainly do look better now. this should be interesting....
btw, after doing some more extensive googling, i found a thread that told about gigabyte g31 series mobos having latency issues in win7. solution was to change the energy default settings in a way that forces the cpu to always work at 100%.

once i tried this, dpc latency checker still gives me frequent readings around 500-1000 microseconds, but it stll says the machine should handle audio stuff just fine.
i'm still running the fireface on my laptop right now, so i haven't checked if the issues are solved, but the dpc readings certainly do look better now. this should be interesting....

hooked up the FF to the desktop pc, seems to work just fine.

anyone with latency problems in win 7, go check the cpu settings in the energy saving options!
hooked up the FF to the desktop pc, seems to work just fine.

anyone with latency problems in win 7, go check the cpu settings in the energy saving options!

Glad it worked out for you, man!

fwiw, I believe Winutilities Pro (one of the links I gave you) sets up your power plan for High performance.