UAD-2 Solo/laptop or Waves SSL

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Hi everybody I want to buy some new shit to get some analog feelings to my mixes:
I´m using a mac book pro(4gb Ram, 250gb harddrive with 7200 rpm, dual core 2,4) with logic 8

So I keep on looking for a nice channelstrip to get my mixes a little bit more analog feeling.
So I found two options for my self:
1. UAD 2/solo Laptop with the neve channelstrip (can be loaded up to 32 times with full options on this card)
Cost: about 680€ all included
2. Waves SSl bundle
Everybody says thats the best plugin waves ever did + this is a full bundle with other stuff.
But do you guys think I can open the channelstrip also 32+ more times on my MBP
Cost: 639€ at
And I have the waves gold bundle so I dont need to buy an ilok

I want something I can put on every channel in my mix.

The other point which speaks for the UAD is that I can open the channelstrip while recording, and I dont have to worry about CPU problems.


thanks for the time
The Waves SSL channelstrip is very CPU efficient. If your MBP has a half decent modern-day Intel CPU you should be flying.

The SSL channel is by far my most 'go-to' plug-in... it's the mainstay of my mixing these days. It consolidates all the main feature sets into one window, which is so important to my workflow and efficiency. The drawback is a lack of flexibility with the finer tuning of settings (in particular the compression). Well worth it though, IMO. I've tried the more flexible URS CSP to replace it, but the tonality just isn't the same.

UAD recently did an SSL Channelstrip if that interests you. I don't know how the two compare to each other though.
Thanks for the fast answer:)
I heard about the UAD - SSL. And I think it might be as good as the waves, but the waves bundle have more plugins so it´s cheaper to go with waves.

My MBP is about 1,5 years old, but I´m fine with the 2,4 dual core intel processor so far.

I realy like real drums but I always have problems with gating the snare and the toms.
How "good" is the gate build in the waves SSL channelstrip?
I use the logic gate right now, and it is not that good...
because It´s to hard and the hits sound cut or it´s to soft and I have too much bleed and no natural sounding fade out after a hit

thanks for the time