Uh oh

Sure, they're all cute when wearing human clothes are costarring with Matt LeBlanc in movies, but chimps are nasty little fuckers in the wild. If you ever watch the Life of Mammals documentary on the primates, you'll see a gang of chimps attacking a group of monkeys and eating all the sick and the young. They commit violence against other chimps, and have known to "rape" females.
Good for the chimps. To bad they don't know those people were trying to help. Still I love it when nature fucks man in the ass. This was good news! Thank you black 13.
prime666 said:
God for the chimps. To bad they don'ty know those people were trying to help. Still I love it when nature fucks man in the ass. This was good news! Thank you black 13.

Nature vs nurture....nature always wins.
remington69 said:
Sure, they're all cute when wearing human clothes are costarring with Matt LeBlanc in movies, but chimps are nasty little fuckers in the wild. If you ever watch the Life of Mammals documentary on the primates, you'll see a gang of chimps attacking a group of monkeys and eating all the sick and the young. They commit violence against other chimps, and have known to "rape" females.

Wow! What kind of animal would do something like that?!

Oh........ wait........ humans do.
ahhh monkeys !!!

and yeah i have seen shows about cannibal animals, chimps featured very heavily eating babies of other familes, destroying the sick,..... bit different in the animal world tho innit, doesnt exactly make them nasty fuckers, they just protecting their bloodline......like lions do, yikes when they wipe out a rivals kids ...man they go to town !

anyhoo check out bonobo monkeys, very much like chimps, but the most sexually deviant monkeys in the world....... man woman child, if its a monkey and it moves they'll fuck it.....like 5 times an hour. funniest documentary i ever saw........

ahhhhhh monkeys !!!
When monkeys attack! How did it mutilate someone? Teeth or weapon? Cool if it made a sword!

Planet of the apes is here!

ooo oooo ooo
oo ooo

o o o

I've watched them eat monkeys on Discovery Channel and Animal Planet before. But Damn.

This reminds of an 80s horror movie (based on real incidents) where baboons started using people as a food source.
This sounds like a job for...

So Scott - you gonna write a song about this on the new album?
God damn you! You blew it up!
~Planet of the Apes~

That would be cool if that were to happen wouldn't it?
Killer chimps?

It´s time for another "Bush or chimp" (I love´em).


Besides being nasty rapists and bullies, chimps also seem to lack any mental restrictions against incest unlike gorillas and humans (not including people from Gällivare, Turkey, Syria and Alabama).