o/t Terrorist threat in London

DumbAss said:
I agree with alot of what you're saying, and I actually agree with SOME of the stuff that Stormwatch has mentioned... I just find it too easy for us to say things like "The problem are the moderate Muslims, who stand by, do nothing" from the comfort of our computer chairs, while those poor bastards can get thier heads chopped off for doing just that.

The majority can put the minority in it's place if it wants. I know it's easier said than done, but still it's their asses that take all the negativity while the bad ones run and hide among them, so they should start condeming it more than passively. Right now a small handful of religious and terrorist leaders rule a billion people too afraid to say "go fuck yourself" while that small handful does all the worst kind of crap in their names.
whitey131 said:
What if Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer, or Hitler sat next to you? Do you automatically assume all white anglo christians are killers as well? I'm guessing not, becuase they look like you, it's less easy.

What the hell does that have to do with anything? What a ridiculous statement.
I don't automatically assume all Muslim-looking people are going to bomb the bus/train/plane I might be on - but there's still a fear at the back of my mind BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE TRYING TO BLOW UP PLANES, whereas not many white or non-Muslim people are doing that y'know?
Stormwatch said:
What the hell does that have to do with anything? What a ridiculous statement.
I don't automatically assume all Muslim-looking people are going to bomb the bus/train/plane I might be on - but there's still a fear at the back of my mind BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE TRYING TO BLOW UP PLANES, whereas not many white or non-Muslim people are doing that y'know?

So you believe tha majority of Muslim people are trying to blow up planes?
whitey131 said:
So you believe tha majority of Muslim people are trying to blow up planes?

I don't beleive that, but I do believe that the majority of Muslims are fully aware of the problem but remain silent while the ones who want to blow up planes hide among them. It's like being in the ghetto; everyone in the neighborhood knows who robbed the store and who's in a gang and who deals drugs, but no one tells anyone and no one does anything about it, so the problem remains.
I'm really on the fence with this one. I think that it's important to stay open minded and all, but at the same time you have to look at this place and ask yourself how much wrong doing was allowed to happen in the name of "tollerance."

We can't judge the actions of a whole race or religion because of what a few people do, but the world is becoming scarier all the time because a lot of people are putting their self image before their safety. They want to seem like open minded, caring people, and so they don't ever do anything to inconvenience someone who is a minority. Checking a muslims bag at the airport is not a racist thing, so long as you check the white guys bag too. And maybe you find a bomb on the muslims bag, maybe you don't. Maybe is a word I am not very comfortable with anymore though. You can check my bags and pockets all you want, I don't mind. Just check everyone elses too.
Stormwatch said:
Please post a link to a post where I said that. Otherwise shut up. And lick my balls.

but there's still a fear at the back of my mind BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE TRYING TO BLOW UP PLANES, whereas not many white or non-Muslim people are doing that y'know?

It's clear that arguing with you is about as usefull ass arguing with a nerf ball.
3Storms said:
Causing, or reacting? What came first here? Islam's crusade against the west began in the 600's AD when Islam was founded, and conquered eastern Europe and went as far as conquering Spain. That's BEFORE America existed. In India, they blame the Hindus while bombing. In Southeast Asia, they blame the Aussies. Israel and the US are just excuses.

The problem are the moderate Muslims, who stand by, do nothing, and only passiavely condemn terrorism when put on the spot over it. Reform will have to come from within just like it did with Christianity when Christianity finally pulled itself out of the dark ages.

It's called the Caliphate, and is basically Islam's "manifest destiny" to spread out over the world and rehsape it in Allah's image. Until the Caliphate is put down, terrorists can't be stopped because you can't fight a idea.
When did they conquer Eastern Europe?
Originally Posted by Stormwatch
Please post a link to a post where I said that. Otherwise shut up. And lick my balls.

but there's still a fear at the back of my mind BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE TRYING TO BLOW UP PLANES, whereas not many white or non-Muslim people are doing that y'know?

whitey131 said:
It's clear that arguing with you is about as usefull ass arguing with a nerf ball.

Where in that do I say I think "The MAJORITY" of Muslims are trying to blow up planes? It doesn't. You're trying to put words into my mouth because you can't think of a decent way to argue your case.
Stormwatch said:
Originally Posted by Stormwatch
Please post a link to a post where I said that. Otherwise shut up. And lick my balls.

but there's still a fear at the back of my mind BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE TRYING TO BLOW UP PLANES, whereas not many white or non-Muslim people are doing that y'know?

Where in that do I say I think "The MAJORITY" of Muslims are trying to blow up planes? It doesn't. You're trying to put words into my mouth because you can't think of a decent way to argue your case.

Yeah, that's what it is, or maybe it's just deductive thinking.

You: Don't let muslims on planes.
You: These guys are trying to blow up planes.

I don't have to put in words in your dumb mouth becuase you said enough to fill in the blanks. Crap this is like a two minute columbo. Mystery solved, your an idiot.
TacoBellJunkie said:
Whats wrong with saying this? They ARE trying to blow up planes.

So I'll ask again and direct it at you, do you believe the MAJORITY of muslims are trying to blow up planes?
Don't let anyone on planes. Seriously. Islamic groups are recruiting whites, blacks, hispanics, and even Asians who can more easily disappear and not attract attention. In fact one of the would-be UK terrorists was a whitey convert. It makes ID'ing who could be a potential threat on a flight to be a lot harder.
TacoBellJunkie said:
The MAJORITY of muslims wouldn't piss on you to put out a fire.
That's the most retarded thing enyone has said in this whole thread. You can't be serious?
TacoBellJunkie said:
The MAJORITY of muslims wouldn't piss on you to put out a fire.

What are you afraid to answer the question? Why do people like you and shit storm always beat around the bush on crap. Just come out and say what your thinking instead of trying to justify it with backasswards logic and vauge answers.