O/T: Sharon Osbourne Is A Super Mother Fucking Bitch, Part III.


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
So, let´s recapitulate all the good things that lovely woman has done in the last several weeks.

1. She refused Anthrax on Ozzfest, meanwhile she added non-existing band on the bill (RATM/Cornell)

2. She acted like a bitch during Randy Castillo´s funeral and kicked Phil Soussan. I´ve never known anybody who would do this under these circumstances.

3. She forced Ozzy (or do you think it was his idea? I don´t) to replace original drums and bass on two first remastered Ozzy´s classic albums just because these guys had told her she was a bitch and never had given them their money. I think this is also the first time this has been done in rock n roll history ever.

How would you like if Anthrax decided to replace Shitz´ solos on remastered versions on, let´s say, STD or ATL, just because of his 20Q? Well I know he´s a dick, but that would just be crazy and silly.

So, if you have any other reasons why should we stalk and kill Mrs. S.O., just put it down here, allright?

As Ice T´s Body Count would say: "Die, die, die bitch, die!"
heh, yeah I really hate her. I also heard she recently had Ozzy sign a PETA petition to try to get people in some Mid Eastern countries to quit eating dogs & cats. Now I know to us that sounds like sick shit but they've been doing that over there for thousands of years & thats just what they do. We eat pigs & cows & they eat dogs & cats. Who the fuck is she to tell them to quit.
NO. The bass and drum tracks were replaced because of a lawsuit by the drummer and bassist. If they wouldn't have done this, the album wouldn't have gotten re-released.
I dislike her but not because she refused to Anthrax on the bill. I never heard her say that herself. and about the lawsuit thing yeah thats true it was a lawsuit.
but I still don't realy like her. she forces Ozzy to do too much. at least thats what I've gotten from the show. I just don't like her persnality.
Pls pay attention, those people who eats cats & dogs where those living in China, Korea, Japan & Thailand, these countries are called Eastern countries.

While the Mid East u mention are Arab countries ( Iran, Iraq, etc), these people DONT eat cats & dogs.:cool:
Sharon Osbourne..........*tremble* she gives me the nu-metal trembles. I can here her now while she's boning ozzy, "OOOOH OZZY LETS GET POD AND ADEMA ON OZZFEST" that money hungry whore, she just cant leave the metalheads alone and let us have 1 big ass metal tour, die die die my darling! dont utter a single word! DIE DIE DIE..................
Duh, I know that Amard, I must have had a brain fart or something, I ment to say Asian or far east. I just woke up when I posted that so please forgive me.
Originally posted by SLAYER85
Sharon Osbourne..........*tremble* she gives me the nu-metal trembles. I can here her now while she's boning ozzy, "OOOOH OZZY LETS GET POD AND ADEMA ON OZZFEST" that money hungry whore, she just cant leave the metalheads alone and let us have 1 big ass metal tour, die die die my darling! dont utter a single word! DIE DIE DIE..................
Wow, I was just about to post the exact samething, well almost exact. I think Sharon uses Ozzy and has used Ozzy ever since she met him, she is a money gubbing bitch! You ever listen to how she talks to him on the show, "Oh, OZZYWOZZY, pleaseeweezy put Counting Crowseewosees on the Ozzywozzy festeewestee billzeewillzy, I will be a goodywoody girlzeewirlzy."
What a fat ugly using bitch, Ozzy should ask Zack Wylde for advice not her!
I don´t give a fuck about lawsuits. What I care about is music. In my opinion, Daisley and Kerslake are right. Or maybe they aren´t. I don´t know whether they really did received their royalties for that album. But classic is a classic! People sue people, for whatever reason. Sharon just acts like a fuckin´ greedy bitch and she is. And the Ozzfest bill just makes me sick. But we (I mean my country) have SLAYER and TOOL on the bill and no nu-metal bullcrap!
Originally posted by MADTHRAX
thats what having lots of money does to a person folks.
That's right, boys and girls. If we can't learn for Lar$ TheBitch, we must learn from $$haron O$$$$bourne$$$.
Originally posted by johnnieCzech
I don´t give a fuck about lawsuits. What I care about is music. In my opinion, Daisley and Kerslake are right. Or maybe they aren´t. I don´t know whether they really did received their royalties for that album. But classic is a classic! People sue people, for whatever reason. Sharon just acts like a fuckin´ greedy bitch and she is. And the Ozzfest bill just makes me sick. But we (I mean my country) have SLAYER and TOOL on the bill and no nu-metal bullcrap!

Slayer, TOOL! You made this too easy, so...I won't bother.(I think a lot of you know my current opinion of Slayer:mad: )