O/T: Celebrating my first stitches

The Man

Franks and beans!
Feb 4, 2002
Gautier, MS
It finally happened tonight. I got wounded bad enough that I needed an emrgency room visit and stitches. I was screwing witht the radio in my car trying to pull a piece of the dash off and I caught my index finger on a piece of metal. I t gouged it pretty deep and I bled like crazy. So I wrpped it up and got my old lady to drive me to the local hospital. I got between 6-10 stitches. I wasn't able to count accurately because I started getting light headed and had to look away until the doc was done.

This is the first time I've ever been injured bad enough to require stitches. I've never had a broken bone either. My finger is completely numb right now and frankly I'm kinda scared of how it's gonna feel tomorrow. Oh well, gotta be tough and take it like a man I guess.:yell:
You're lucky. I must have had my parents scared to death when I was growing up, because by 5th grade, I had gotten stitches 6 times already. All of them but one were somewhere on my head/face. The one that wasn't was on my left thumb (luckily I didn't lose my thumb in that accident) and happened two days after I got my first Nintendo for Christmas. I had to learn to play Super Mario by using my index finger to control the d-pad. I didn't switch back to using the thumb for that for quite awhile.

I must have gotten a lot less accident prone as I got older, as I've only had stitches once since 5th grade. And that was in college, so I had pretty good run going there!
Dude that sucks welcome to my world. Between going to shows, physical confrontations, the U.S army, skate boarding, and winter hiking. Ive been had something like 250 stitches, numerous fractures, sprained almost every part of my body ( the worst is the neck) and broke the knuckles in my left hand 3 times. Suck it up and quit living so carefully....
I feel like Patrick Swayze in the movie Road House. I Should start caring my medical records with me.
So board members whats the worst boo boo you ever got?:Spin:
Well, I cracked my head open twice as a kid, broke fingers on both my hands in high school playing basketball, then tore my anterior cruciate ligament playing football with some friends, then had the other knee scoped a few years later. Within the past few years I herniated a disc in my lower back and was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat. Oh, I also have an inflamed ulnar nerve in my left elbow.

Other than that I'm the picture of perfect health. :D

No stitches here since highschool, '84 or '85. I did have ONE stitch tho, in the cajones when I had the love gun decomissioned. :cry:
I fell in a man hole once. (No, not that kind, you perv!) A screw implaed my leg, and required three stitches.
Jumped off a bus in 7th grade, had to get seven stitches.
Broke a jalapeno jar on my finger, had to get three stitches. That was my first incident.
My annual ER visits include: several dilocations, sprained my knees 3 times (soccer), broke off a piece of my knee cap (soccer), tore my knee open loading my uncle's dirt bike, broke my head open on the bottom of the pool (about 15 stitches. None on the face), emergency C-Section.

Voluntary: two sets of strategically placed stitches from my plastic surgeon. :muahaha: ;)
lespaulbass666 said:
had all my teeth knocked out of my mouth while ice skating as a kid. lived on soup, jello, and pudding and carnation instant breakfast for a while.

What a great diet plan!
A friend of mine is on a diet and stopped drinking completely. This is a guy that would drink literally every day. We watched the football games last weekend and I got plastered on beer and JD. He had diet cokes. Afterwards I puked. I like my weight loss plan better than his :D

Exactly! Screw all this low-carb, Atkins crap. I'm on the JD, beer and pizza diet! Of course if you puke too often you end up eating a hole through your esophagus, but that's just a minor side effect since you lose weight. That's all that counts, right?

Unfortunately, you're right. Especially in CA and Vegas! For girls anyway. I think eating disorders were invented in southern CA
Yeah, binge/purge stuff really isn't that funny. However there's nothing wrong with the imbibe and purge plan!

So Cal is a trip, isn't it? I just wish people would accept who they are, flaws and all. I've done that. Of course, that explains why I'm sitting in front of my computer at 12:36am watching german soccer. God, I need a life...then again, I can't afford one, so the hell with it!!!
I can't stand throwing up. Binge 'n Purge I tried once. It was really gross. I figure if you don't have the will power to keep from eating something, you deserve to digest it. I have chewed up things like cake and brownies before and spitting it out.

Alright eveyone! I know, I spit it out. There's a time and a place to swallow and that wasn't it. ;)
You know, I was really beginning to like you until that revelation. Sigh...lol

Puking isn't fun. My worst puking story wasn't even alcohol involved. I was visiting my parents in Florida just a few weeks after having major reconstructive knee surgery. I wasn't even walking without crutches yet. The first night there I start feeling sick and I threw up...then again, and again, and again, and again...then the shits started. So here I am on one leg trying to hop back and forth from the bedroom to the bathroom, puking in a trash can while pissing out my asshole. Finally I just brought in my pillows and blanket and slept in there in about 20-minute intervals between episodes of reverse peristalsis. It was so bad I didn't eat a solid meal for five days because of all the acid in my stomach. Some vacation, huh? My brother was there, too. He only got tonsilitis. I was jealous.

coop said:
You know, I was really beginning to like you until that revelation. Sigh...lol

Puking isn't fun. My worst puking story wasn't even alcohol involved. I was visiting my parents in Florida just a few weeks after having major reconstructive knee surgery. I wasn't even walking without crutches yet. The first night there I start feeling sick and I threw up...then again, and again, and again, and again...then the shits started. So here I am on one leg trying to hop back and forth from the bedroom to the bathroom, puking in a trash can while pissing out my asshole. Finally I just brought in my pillows and blanket and slept in there in about 20-minute intervals between episodes of reverse peristalsis. It was so bad I didn't eat a solid meal for five days because of all the acid in my stomach. Some vacation, huh? My brother was there, too. He only got tonsilitis. I was jealous.

LOL Welcome to the board Coop.. :worship: A good puke/ shit story always puts a smile on my face......