man i pitted my ass off at slayer, non of those hardcore moshers(music genra) that stand around in one fucking place and swing their arms in cirlces. This i never understood, cause they sit their and swing their arms in some attempt to like fuck someone up. But i mean at slayer is was just crashing into eachother, richocheting(spell chekcer), and then going for more. There was this one guy that stood around and swang his arms some, but he was promptly disposed of by other people. But word to the burbs g dawg, aH! ebonics, damn them! yeah, moshing is good, the trouble is is the posers that get in their to mosh for the sake of saying they moshed, not to just flow with the music. I dont mosh to every slayer song because they are playing music, i just mosh to songs i really really get into like war ensemble postmortem etc etc etc, yeah, but the real problem is poser, fuck em all.
Ps, am i the only one who wants to see metallica but knows they make shitty music now but still wants to see the classics? probably am. oh yeah, and i follow the rules of the mosh all the time, im 16 and i guess you all talking about the youth of the nation(pod sucks) not knowing anything, well here is one mother fucker that does.