O/t Where Has Respect In The Pit Gone?

Originally posted by nafnikufesin
It's one thing to go nuts in the context of everyone having a good time, it's another to go in with an intent to injure.

I think this sums up the entire issue in one sentance. Live by this rule in the pit, brothers!

And, cheers, dutchy-dude :)
Originally posted by dutchy
If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you think they call it a PIT!!!!!!!!
They guy who hit Greg in the head is a complete asshole, Suprised nobody has seen it and beat the livin shit out of this asshole.
Get wel PITTY BOY!!!!!!!!!

Well, as you might know, i got the motherfucker back, but fuck you and your "pitty boy" comment.

I'm out like dutchy's homosexual tendancies!

Alright Ive heard enough. The way I see it (as do most of you). The pit, moshing, slam dancin what ever you want to call it, is where we the fans interact, with the band by going completly nuts to the music we love. There by releasing excessive aggression and showing are apprecition to the artists. Plus for some (me) it's the best goddamn therapy you can get!
Now, when I see a couple of muscle heads beating the shit out of somene half there size, that is not dancing! That is some motherfucker asking the audiance " Please fuck me up, please stick a size 12 steel toe in my ass (again homo erotic).
I understand when in the pit you may get an accidental broken nose, fat lip, black eye or god forbid a really serious injury. But when you are in a enviroment like that accidents will happen.
Now! When you get these cock suckers that do that shit on purpose. These fucks deserve what ever revenge the crowd (or I ) see fit. The point of this poorly spelled, gramitically incorrect rant is,,,,,... If your gonna be a dick in the pit it's only a matter of time till you get what you deserve.
Originally posted by dutchy
@Greg, Pitty Boy was meant as a joke, better read he whole piece , I was suporting you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck You if you can't take a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for the record, it's funnier if you say '' joke him if he can't take a fuck!"
it didn't sound too supportive at the end...it's always nice to put a lol or some form of little jokey faced thing after a comment that smartassed......
my bad.

example.... PITTY BOY!!!! (LOL)
PITTY BOY!!!! :spin:

THAT LEFT ME LIKE THIS---->:confused:
THEN THIS------>:mad:
NOW I'M------>:cool:
About two months ago my buddy ain I went to see Nashville Pussy at Bogarts. There were about 50 people there. About 8 ppl were jumping around acting nuts. My bud being the drunk he is decided to join in this little pit. Long story short. I look over and hes on the ground, a couple of guys pick him up, let him go and he falls right down to the ground. So he limps around on a bruised and swollen leg for about a month then he finally goes to the Dr. and he finds out he has a torn ACL! In a 8 person pit!! Thats some shit. There were no one else around. His leg just bent the wrong way. He goes for surgery soon.
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
So he limps around on a bruised and swollen leg for about a month then he finally goes to the Dr. and he finds out he has a torn ACL! In a 8 person pit!! Thats some shit. There were no one else around. His leg just bent the wrong way. He goes for surgery soon.

Fucking shit mang! He DESERVES a superballs award for that level of pain tolerance!

Tell your buddy "Salute!"

Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
About two months ago my buddy ain I went to see Nashville Pussy at Bogarts. There were about 50 people there. About 8 ppl were jumping around acting nuts. My bud being the drunk he is decided to join in this little pit. Long story short. I look over and hes on the ground, a couple of guys pick him up, let him go and he falls right down to the ground. So he limps around on a bruised and swollen leg for about a month then he finally goes to the Dr. and he finds out he has a torn ACL! In a 8 person pit!! Thats some shit. There were no one else around. His leg just bent the wrong way. He goes for surgery soon.

Youch! Sometimes a good drunk can get ya too amped :grin:

Hope he gets better soon :cry:


man i pitted my ass off at slayer, non of those hardcore moshers(music genra) that stand around in one fucking place and swing their arms in cirlces. This i never understood, cause they sit their and swing their arms in some attempt to like fuck someone up. But i mean at slayer is was just crashing into eachother, richocheting(spell chekcer), and then going for more. There was this one guy that stood around and swang his arms some, but he was promptly disposed of by other people. But word to the burbs g dawg, aH! ebonics, damn them! yeah, moshing is good, the trouble is is the posers that get in their to mosh for the sake of saying they moshed, not to just flow with the music. I dont mosh to every slayer song because they are playing music, i just mosh to songs i really really get into like war ensemble postmortem etc etc etc, yeah, but the real problem is poser, fuck em all.

Ps, am i the only one who wants to see metallica but knows they make shitty music now but still wants to see the classics? probably am. oh yeah, and i follow the rules of the mosh all the time, im 16 and i guess you all talking about the youth of the nation(pod sucks) not knowing anything, well here is one mother fucker that does.
Ps, am i the only one who wants to see metallica but knows they make shitty music now but still wants to see the classics? probably am.

Nah Dude, I'm still into them. Actually, the first half of "Load" sounds great, I think they still got some power left! I actually considered auditioning for them, but as many people know here, I'm rapping now, and I couldn't get myself over that. I still know how to play about 75% of their songs, and I think they may have actually considered me as a replacement. But, oh well, I'm too much into hip hop now(even though metal will always be in my veins). James would have hated me after one album :lol:

Oh well, I guess they can live with Bob Rock on bass.

Cheerz Slayer85!
