O/t Where Has Respect In The Pit Gone?


Mar 13, 2002
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Is it under the bed?....no, not there. Is it in the closet?.....no, not there. Is it in my boot?....nope not there either! So where did the fucking respect go to? Where goddammit! I touched on this earlier ( see my post in battle/bands 4) and I am STILL fuming that this punk kid thinks he can bust into a mosh and hit me point blank in the skull w/ a beer bottle? Granted if it hadn't been for the steel plate in my head ( car reck, 15, drunk, no liscense, live and learn) I'd be in a coma or dead. Instead 3 stitches later I ponder why anyone would be that stupid . he paid his price, but I wish it had never gone down that way. I am hereby retiring from the pit. in this age of "extreme" this and that, I don't think I need to leave my son w/out a father b/c of some "load that his momma should have swallowed" Drowning Pool fan (his shirt) got the bright idea to say "Hmmm, instead of moshing and shoving that guy into the steel rail, I'll bash his fucking skull in!" Long story short...all you next gen moshers on the board, learn the rules of moshing. There's a difference between a flowing, almost rythmic mosh, and complete stupidity.

Fuck I'm tired of typing....head stings too.:confused:
Dude there has allways been assholes in the pit for as long as I can remember. About 10 or so years ago a guy was stabbed in the pit at a Testament show I was at, that was some fucked up shit. Durning a Slayer show (in 92 I think) I broke my nose in the pit when some ass clown that outweighed me by about 200lbs elbowed me in the snout, and at the Soulfly show in Cincy a few weeks ago I noticed there was blood all over my shirt. I have no idea how it got there but it had to be when I was in the pit and it was a kinda tame pit. 90% of the people in the pit are cool as hell and are allways there to help out at the drop of a hat but there allways has and allways will be a few fucks who just have to hurt somebody.
Yeah, but there's too many wanna-be's nowadays that don't know the pit rules. All they want to do is say they've been there, but when someone falls, they don't have the common sense to pick them up.

If you don't know what your doing, don't fuckin go there.
I posted this in my Slayer review, the good pits are long gone. Long, long, gone. Best pits I rememeber: Cannibal Corpse (w/ Barnes) Halloween Tour 1995, Cincy, Bogarts club. Slayer, sold-out arena show w/ GA floor, Hara Arena, Dayton 1995. Slayer (w/ John Detty on drums) the Odeon Cleveland 1996. Anthrax Newport Music Hall 1994. Megadeth/Pantera/White Zombie Hara Arena 1993.
I think that at the ripe old age of 25, I've outgrown pits. I just don't think they're fun anymore. You come out smelling like the sweat of a hundred dirty motherfuckers, and bruised up. How could you enjoy the music of a band you admire that way??
There was a day when the pits were fun, fun, fun. Anthrax (when they are not opening for cover bands) Slayer, Pantera, and Testament are probably the only bands left that I will get "into the pit" at which point I get "caught in a mosh" and thrown "over the wall" by some "cowboys from hell" who are looking to "spill the blood."
Originally posted by HELLBENTFORLEATHER
I have never been in the pit! I am just a baby compared to most of you guys! What's it like?

Theres no better feeeling in the world than being in a good pit, the energy is just intense, I cannot image watching a slayer show from ten rows back.
If you go into a pit I think you have to expect to get injured arms and people are flying round, you are gonna get caught.
I'm 31, 25 is not a ripe old age to stop pitting ;)
Without the guys down the front going mental I really don't think thrash gigs would be any good. Image being on stage seeing people just standing there clapping politely between songs. So I think everyone who stands at the back should praise and thank the pitters for providing the bands with energy to thrive on:D

What happened to Gregadeth is bang out off order, just a drunk kid, :mad:
....and Brat the pit is not homo-erotic as i think you've suggested before:D
If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you think they call it a PIT!!!!!!!!
They guy who hit Greg in the head is a complete asshole, Suprised nobody has seen it and beat the livin shit out of this asshole.
Get wel PITTY BOY!!!!!!!!!
Funny you guys are getting greif from these nu-metal posers...I get the complete fucking opposite! I think I've blabbed about this already, in the same thread as Other Guy, but I'll say it again - I'm always getting people coming up to me telling me how I put their piercing through their lip, gave 'em nosebleeds, caught 'em in the throat, broke a nail and smudged their makeup....but, trust me dudes, I ain't one of those guys going in with knives and bottles and looking to intentionally hurt people. I have NEVER done that. Once I swang my bulletbelt over my head and hit people with that by accident...I was drunk, and that was the last I saw of that belt :lol:

I'm a big guy, but that's big as in up and certainly not out. Skinny little fuck, am I. The mosh pits down here are usually small, and they're always more aggressive because you've got more space to move and more space to fly around in. You've got to give as much as you're taking, else you'll just be pit-fodder. This is where other people get the hurt I described...but at the end of the day, I hear complaints (most of which come from the faggot posers who stood at the side), and I can't really help them. I come off with bruises and cuts but I don't cry :cry: I fucking love it! At the end of the day I think all these people are too fucking image-obsessed - they have become WEAK! Fuck 'em!

I'd love to get into a good old classic thrash mosh like y'all describe, ain't had that pleasure yet. From what I saw when Slayer played Metal 2000, I imagine I'd be the one getting hurt for once. Don't see why I should bitch and complain about that, though. I'd give as good as I could give and have fun but if I couldn't take it then I'd just get out. Done it before, and ain't ashamed of it. Just what it takes to enjoy the gig!

I guess I've been lucky, I only lost a contact lens (Obituary-Slowly We Rot tour). Sure I got my share of bruises, but never intentional strikes. My favorite pit was Kreator/Voivod '87 or maybe Slayer/Overkill '87. Also I liked the DRI pits back then.

As far a pits recently, I remember the Nile/Morbid Angel pit was made up of a lot of young (bored) nu-metal confused kids.
The last time I was in a pit, there were two huge guys swinging their fists wildly, knocking people out of their way. It's one thing to go nuts in the context of everyone having a good time, it's another to go in with an intent to injure. To those two morons, if they ever read this...
Originally posted by GregadetH
Is it under the bed?....no, not there. Is it in the closet?.....no, not there. Is it in my boot?....nope not there either! So where did the fucking respect go to? Where goddammit! I touched on this earlier ( see my post in battle/bands 4) and I am STILL fuming that this punk kid thinks he can bust into a mosh and hit me point blank in the skull w/ a beer bottle? Granted if it hadn't been for the steel plate in my head ( car reck, 15, drunk, no liscense, live and learn) I'd be in a coma or dead. Instead 3 stitches later I ponder why anyone would be that stupid . he paid his price, but I wish it had never gone down that way. I am hereby retiring from the pit. in this age of "extreme" this and that, I don't think I need to leave my son w/out a father b/c of some "load that his momma should have swallowed" Drowning Pool fan (his shirt) got the bright idea to say "Hmmm, instead of moshing and shoving that guy into the steel rail, I'll bash his fucking skull in!" Long story short...all you next gen moshers on the board, learn the rules of moshing. There's a difference between a flowing, almost rythmic mosh, and complete stupidity.

Fuck I'm tired of typing....head stings too.:confused:

God Gregg, I'm horrified to hear this! Yes indeed I understand what your saying, some people have to ruin all the fun for everybody else, and that just sucks! :( Perhaps everybody here remembers my story of my wife and I getting attacked at a club a couple of months back, and I personally took a vodka bottle to the back of my head from two samoins(if I'm spelling that right). Funny, the cops finally caught these two punks and contacted me to ask if I wanted to press charges and ofcourse I was like "Yeah, go ahead" Cause I never even saw these guys, so if they wanna play that shit, I'll let the cops fuck with them. AMAZING ENOUGH, the fucking mother of one of these losers got my phone number and called me and pleaded with me to drop the charges! I was like "How did you get this number?" and "oh by the way, I'm not dropping the charges cause I don't even know your son and he attacked me, so since he missed the chance to see how nice of a guy I can be, he can now see how much I don't give a shit about his ass and he certainly deserves what's coming to him!" I've since changed my phone number, and we moved away from where we were, into our house. Sometimes in this fucking world trouble just seems to find the best of us(Gregadeth), and I wish I could have been there to help you
:cry: cause this is the exact type of shit that gets right under my skin, cause people can kick my ass if I did something I deserve, but when innocent people get attacked I'm going go ape shit! It's a terrible thing to admit, but since that experience I scope every thing anytime I go anywhere now, and it's a shame that there are people out there that make it this way!

Cheerz Gregg,
